Diversity and equality

Diversity and equality are essential to today’s workplace 

In Vodafone Ireland, diversity and equality has been prioritised from the top-down and the bottom-up because we believe it’s essential to our business that our people reflect the diversity of our customers and because it’s the right thing to do.

Our focus on organisational culture and internal policies supports a culture of flexibility for all stages and needs in life. This makes Vodafone a supportive environment for our people to develop and progress in their careers while supporting their work-life balance.


Vodafone Ireland's targets

  • To become Ireland’s best employer for women by 2025.
  • To be recognised as a top ten place to work for LGBT + people in Ireland.
  • Best workplace practices that measure, support and encourage diversity and equality across the organisation.

Here are some of things we've been doing ...

LGBT + Friends building an inclusive workplace

Pride at Vodafone: The Vodafone Ireland LGBT+ Friends Network is dedicated to celebrating LGBT+ pride in our business. The mission of this grassroots, employee-led network is to inspire and empower LGBT+ employees in Vodafone Ireland and to ensure they have the support that they need to bring their whole selves to work. Vodafone believes that everyone should be able to be themselves and be at their best both in and outside of the workplace.

Our four key activities:-

  • Enhance Vodafone’s ability to build an inclusive workplace
  • Enhance professional growth by providing opportunities to network and connect with role models
  • Internally and externally, promote the development and advancement of LGBT+ employees in our industry-
  • Raise the profile of Vodafone Ireland as a supporter of LGBT+ initiatives

MARC Leaders' workshops - allies for women's empowerment  

Male allies in women’s empowerment: Standing for Men Advocating Real Change, the MARC initiative, created by non-profit organisation Catalyst, organise two-day MARC Leaders Workshops aiming to give senior men and emerging leaders from Vodafone and the community we operate in, the tools that they need to be visible, proactive and committed to advocacy of equality and diversity in Vodafone and our community.

TecSOS supporting victims of domestic abuse

One in four women around the world will experience domestic violence at some point during their lifetime.

TecSOS is an initiative that seeks to support victims of domestic abuse, giving them enhanced access to Gardaí in an emergency.

The TecSOS device can be activated with the press of a single button, initiating an alert to the emergency service.

The Vodafone Ireland Foundation is working closely with Gardaí to offer handsets to women at risk of domestic violence.


Read our sustainable business strategy 

The transformational goals are at the centre of Vodafone Ireland’s sustainable business strategy. Each of these goals has the potential to deliver impactful socio-economic benefits to Irish society. 

Vodafone Ireland Sustainable Business Report 2018 - read it here


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