Customer Notifications | Vodafone Ireland

The latest notices to all our customers

Under Regulation 89(7) of the European Union (Electronic Communications Code) Regulations 2022 an operator shall, not less than one month prior to the date of implementation of any proposed modification, notify its subscribers to that service of the proposed modification in the conditions of the contract for that service, and, where applicable, their right to withdraw without penalty from such contract if they do not accept the modification.

A proposed modification in the conditions of the contract may entitle a subscriber to withdraw from such contract without penalty unless said modification is:

  1. exclusively to the benefit of the subscriber,
  2. is of a purely administrative nature and has no negative effect on the subscriber, or
  3. is directly imposed by law.

If you wish to exercise your right under Regulation 89(7) please contact Vodafone on

  • 1907 - bill pay and fixed line customers.
  • 1747 (from a mobile) - pay as you go customers

Contract change information notice: Price increase of Vodafone Business Fixed rate plans - April 2025

At Vodafone Ireland, we continually review our products and services to ensure our customers have the best connectivity experience possible. From April 1st, 2025 prices for certain broadband, voice and broadband and voice packages will increase by €5 ex VAT for some customers, which reflects our ongoing investment into upgrading our network and services and supporting the ever-growing demand for customers.

New Plan Details:

Plan Name Current Monthly Price (ex VAT) New Monthly Price (ex VAT)
Vodafone Office Essentials Fibre €50.00 €55.00
Simpy_BB_Business_Fibre €40.00 €45.00
Vodafone_Office_Voice_Unlimited €42.00 €47.00
Vodafone_Office_Essentials €50.00 €55.00
Vodafone Office Unlimited Fibre €40.00 €45.00
Vodafone Office Professional fibre €50.00 €55.00
Simpy_BB_Business_Fibre_2021 €50.00 €55.00
Vodafone_Office_Essentials_Fibre_PSTN_2021 €60.00 €65.00
Vodafone Office Value €55.00 €60.00
Vodafone_Office_Value_Fibre €55.00 €60.00
Vodafone_Office_Professional €55.00 €60.00
Simpy_BB_Business €40.00 €45.00
Simpy_BB_Business €35.00 €40.00
Simpy_BB_Business €45.00 €50.00
Vodafone_Office_Unlimited €65.00 €70.00
Vodafone_Office_Value_(Voice) €50.00 €55.00
Vodafone_Office_Control_Fibre_Broadband €35.00 €40.00
Vodafone_Office_Essentials_Fibre_PSTN €40.00 €45.00
Vodafone_Office_Essentials_Fibre_VOIP €55.00 €60.00
Simpy_BB_Business_SAAB €40.00 €45.00
Vodafone_Office_Essentials_PSTN €50.00 €55.00
PSTN_-_Line_Rental €20.59 €25.59
Office_Essential_Voice €32.00 €37.00
Vodafone_Office_Line_Rental €20.59 €25.59
PSTN Line Rental €20.59 €25.59
Office_Essentials_Voice_PSTN €32.00 €37.00
Vodafone Office Line Rental €20.59 €25.59
PSTN_line_rental €20.59 €25.59
Vodafone_Office_Control_-_PSTN €25.00 €30.00
Vodafone_Office_Control_-_PSTN €40.00 €45.00
Vodafone_Office_Control_-_PSTN €39.99 €44.99
ISDN Basic Line Rental €32.00 €37.00
ISDN_Basic_Line_Rental €32.00 €37.00
Vodafone Office Control €64.99 €69.99
Vodafone Office Control SME Voice ISDN €64.99 €69.99
Vodafone Office Control Voice ISDN €64.99 €69.99
Vodafone_Office_Control_SME_Voice €64.99 €69.99
Vodafone_Office_Control_Voice €64.99 €69.99


Service announcement: Chat Extra allowances description change – October 2024

Service Announcement – From 16/10/2024 we are changing how we describe the calls and texts allowance included in your Top Up Offer from ‘Unlimited calls and texts’ to “10,000 Anytime Minutes and 10,000 Anytime Texts”.

This doesn’t affect your Top Up Offer. This wording change is to provide clarity and transparency to our customers. For updated terms see:


Contract change: Pay as you go out of bundle(“OOB”) rates Increase – October 2024

CONTRACT CHANGE: Pay As You Go Out of Bundle (“OOB”) Rates Increase – October 2024

Why is Vodafone making these changes?

At Vodafone, we continually review our prices and make changes so that we can continue to invest in our networks, products and services. These changes are required to bring all PAYG plans in line with other packages. This will not impact the allowances included in a Top Up Offer. Customers will only be impacted with this change if they exceed the allowances on their plan or do not activate their top up offer every 28 days or if they are not on a Top Up Offer. As a result of these price increases, you may withdraw from your contract without penalty any time.


What are the changes on the top up voucher’s expiry dates? 

Where you purchase a Vodafone Pay As You Go Top Up voucher before 16 October 2024, if purchased more than 6 months ago, voucher will be expired on the 16th of October. From that date onwards, any voucher code purchased must be activated within 6 months of the issue date. After this period, it will not be possible to redeem any credit associated with the voucher code. Top up vouchers received from Vodafone as a giveaway or as part of a campaign, will have their own expiry dates communicated in the text message or format where you receive it. 

Clause 4.8 (d) of the General Terms and Conditions of the Vodafone Mobile Telecommunications Service has been updated to reflect this change. To review the updated General Terms and Conditions of the Vodafone Mobile Telecommunications Service; please see here; Pay As You Go Terms and Conditions | Vodafone Ireland  

What are the previous and new prices?

Previous Prices for Calls, Text and Data:


Existing Advantage Plus and Lifestyle Tariff rates until 16th Oct:

Existing Advantage Plus 3 Tariff rates until 16th Oct:                                 

Irish Mobiles and landlines

9c connection fee and then 45c per minute

9c connection fee and then 45c per minute



22c per text

22c per text






€1.99 for 100MB daily allowance & 1c per MB after

€0.001861816 per MB


New Prices for Calls, Texts and Data:


New rates for Advantage Plus and Lifestyle Tariff

New rates for Advantage Plus 3 Tariff

Irish Mobiles and landlines


12c connection fee and then 50c per minute


12c connection fee and then 50c per minute



30c per text

30c per text






€2.29 for 100MB daily allowance & 3c per MB after 100MB 

€1.30 per MB

Previous International Prices for Advantage Plus, Advantage Plus 2 and Lifestyle tariffs:


Pay as you go 

Calling to mobile 

Calling to landline 
Sending text 


















American Samoa 

























Antigua and Barbuda 








































Azoresand Madeira 

































































Bosnia Herzegovina 















British Virgin Islands 
















Burkina Faso 

























CapeVerde Islands 





Cayman Islands 





Central African Republic 






































































Czech Republic 















































Equatorial Guinea 




















Falkland Islands 










FederalState of Micronesia 

























French Polynesia 





FrenchWest Indies 































































































Hong Kong 



































Isleof Man 















Ivory Coast 












































































































































Marshall Islands 





















































































Netherlands Antilles 






























Norfolk Island 





North Korea 





Northern MarianaIslands 



































Papua NewGuinea 




















Pitcairn Islands 















Puerto Rico 
























































Serbiaand Montenegro 










Sierra Leone 




















Solomon Islands 





Somali Democratic Republic 





South Africa 









































StPierre and Miquelon 





St Vincent& 

the Grenadines 

































































Trinidad and Tobago 




















Turksand CaicosIslands 




















United Arab Emirates 





United Kingdom 











(incl Hawaii andAlaska) 















Vatican City 















Virgin Islands (US) 

























For a full view of your old rates please refer to the December 2023  


New international rates for all tariffs: 


Payas you go 


Calling to mobile and landline

Sending text 






































Antigua and Barbuda 












































































Bosnia Herzegovina 












British Indian Ocean Territory 




British Virgin Islands 












Burkina Faso 
















Canada/United States 












Central African Republic 
















Christmas Islands 




Cocos Islands 












Republic of the 





Democratic Republic 

of the Congo 




Cook Islands 




Costa Rica 




















Czech Republic 
















Dominican Republic 




Dominican Republic 




Dominican Republic 




East Timor 












El Salvador 




Equatorial Guinea 
















Falkland Islands 




Faroe Islands 
















French Polynesia 




French Guiana 








































































Hong Kong 




























Isle of Man 












Ivory Coast 




















































































































Marshall Islands 




































































Netherlands Antilles 




New Caledonia 




New Zealand 




















Northern Mariana Islands 




North Korea 




























Papua New Guinea 




























Puerto Rico 




Puerto Rico 
























Saint Barthelemy 








San Marino 




Sao Tome and 





Saudi Arabia 
















Sierra Leone 








Sint Maarten 












Solomon Islands 








South Africa 




South Korea 




South Sudan 








Sri Lanka 




Saint Helena 




Saint Kitts and Nevis 




Saint Lucia 




Saint Martin 




Saint Pierre and 





Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 












Svalbard and Jan 

















































Trinidad and Tobago 
















Turks and Caicos 









United Arab Emirates 








United Kingdom 
































U.S. Virgin Islands 




Wallis and Futuna 




Western Sahara 


















When do these charges apply to me?

Our Top Up Offers require you to top up by a certain amount and in return receive set allowances for 28 days. When you exceed the allowances on their plan or if you do not activate your Top Up Offer, you pay out of bundle rates. Customers not on a Top Up Offer or on an older offer from Vodafone may pay per rate charges on any calls, texts or data sessions.

When will this change happen?

The new charges will apply from 16/10/2024. From that date, any usage outside your top up offer or any customer not on a top up offer will be charged at these new rates.

I am on a Top Up Offer, will this change affect my current plan?

No, this will not have an impact on the recurring price of, or allowances included in, your Top Up Offer. The only way this change will affect you is if you go out of your Top Up Offer allowances, if you do not activate your top up offer every 28 days or if you are not on a top up offer.

Why does it say I am free to withdraw from my contract? I am a PAYG customer, am I in a contract?

The SMS references the word contract as all PAYG customers have contracted with Vodafone for Vodafone to provide telecommunications service to them. As you are on Vodafone Pay as you go, you are on a rolling telecommunications contract and are free to cancel your service at any time by contacting Customer Care via any of the ways set out in our Code of Practice; PAYG customers do not have a minimum term contract.



Contract change : Tariff name changes effective 10th October 2024

The “500 Fibre Broadband & TV” on your Vodafone account is being retired from 10/10/2024.

As a result of this change, you may withdraw from your contract without penalty any time before this date. We will move you to a new plan called “500Mb Full-Fibre Broadband & TV Bundle” after this date and will confirm when you have moved by text.

This plan includes our new Vodafone TV Play product and a new set-top box will be shipped to you at no extra cost. Please plug this box in once it arrives and follow the instructions to set up.

Your existing TV product will stop working on 15/10/2024.

Your monthly plan cost will decrease from €90 to €65and you will retain your current add-ons. These changes will be reflected in your subsequent bills.


View Customer TV Offers tariffs

View Customer TV Add-ons tariffs


Contract change information notice: Price Change - September 2024

"In October the price of the following plans will change: Red 12 Month SIM Only, Red Complete SIM Only and Red Connect SIMO 12 months. Customers on these plans will see their prices increase by €5.  This change will take effect between 01/10/2024 and 28/10/2024 and will be reflected on customers’ bills issued following this date.  

Vodafone will contact all affected customers by SMS a minimum of 30 days in advance of their first affected bill, informing them of the price increase relevant to their plan. Following receipt of this notice, customers may change or cancel their contract within 30 days, without penalty, by dialling 1907. Affected customers can continue on their existing plan at the new price, exit their contracts, or move to another Vodafone plan."

New Plan Details:

Plan Name Current Monthly Price New Monthly Price Price Difference
Red 12 Month SIM Only €35.00 €40.00 €5.00
RED Complete SIM Only €35.00 €40.00 €5.00
RED Connect SIMO 12 months €35.00 €40.00 €5.00


Contract change information notice: Retirement of plans - September 2024

On 01/09/2024 the listed plans in the table below will no longer be available. Customers on these plans will be moved to an alternative plan, as laid out in the table below. This change will take effect between 01/09/2024 and 30/09/2024. This will be reflected in the customers’ bills issued following the change date.


Vodafone will contact all affected customers by SMS a minimum of 30 days in advance of their first affected bill, informing them of the price change relevant to their plan.

Following receipt of this notice, customers' existing terms and conditions will still apply.

Affected customers can continue on the new plan, exit their contracts, or move to another Vodafone plan.

As a result of this migration you might notice part month/pro rata charges on your bill, these are explained here:


  Retiring plan name Current monthly price Retiring plan contents New plan name New plan contents New monthly price (inc VAT) Price difference    
  30 Day MBB €17 5GB Data for domestic use 30 Day Mobile Broadband 300GB for 30 days
Domestic use only
€35 €18  
  3G BB 3 Month Half Price Offer - 12 Months €30 10GB Data for domestic use
Data to use while roaming in Europe
30 Day Mobile Broadband 300GB for 30 days
Domestic only
€35 €5  
  3GB MBB SIM Only €10 3GB Data 30 Day Mobile Broadband SIM Only 300GB for 30 days
Domestic only
€35 €25
  4G Broadband - 18 Months €30 Total traffic of 20GB data, including 7GB data in Europe 30 Day Mobile Broadband 300GB for 30 days
Domestic use only
€35 €5
  4G Broadband - 24 Months €30 Total traffic of 20GB data, including 7GB data in Europe 30 Day Mobile Broadband 300GB for 30 days
Domestic use only
€35 €5
  4G Mobile Broadband - 12 Months €25 20GB data for domestic use
30GB of data to use while roaming in Europe
30 Day Mobile Broadband 300GB for 30 days
Domestic use only
€35 €10
  4G Mobile Broadband - 18 Months €25 20GB Data for domestic use
30GB of data to use while roaming in Europe
30 Day Mobile Broadband 300GB for 30 days
Domestic use only
€35 €10
  High Speed MBB - 24 Months €25 15GB Data for domestic use
15GB of data to use while roaming in Europe
30 Day Mobile Broadband 300GB for 30 days
Domestic use only
€35 €10
  MBB Pay as you use - 18 months €0.016384 per MB 0 data MBB Pay as you use - 12 Months Voice, Text and Data Roaming enabled €0.016384 per MB €0 per MB
  MBB Pay as you use - 24 months €0.016384 per GB 10GB Data for domestic use
15GB of data to use while roaming in Europe
MBB Pay as you use - 12 Months Voice, Text and Data Roaming enabled €0.016384 per MB €0 per MB
  Mobile Broadband VF Pref - 18 Months €15 10GB Data for domestic use
10GB of data to use while roaming in Europe
30 Day Mobile Broadband 300GB for 30 days
Domestic use only
€35 €20
  My Way Complete €65 1GB of data
Unlimited Vodafone to Vodafone calls
Unlimited Vodafone to Vodafone texts
Summer Roaming 2015
RED Business Unlimited Unlimited any network European calls
500 international minutes
Unlimited any network European texts
500 texts international texts
Unlimited data
€68 €3
  My Way FACT 12 Months €20 Summer Roaming 2015
Unlimited Vodafone to Vodafone calls
Unlimited Vodafone to Vodafone texts
RED Unlimited Unlimited data
Unlimited any network calls & texts
Unlimited European calls & texts
100 international minutes & texts
Roaming in Europe inclusive
€35 €15
  My Way FCAT 18 Months €20 Summer Roaming 2015
Unlimited Vodafone to Vodafone calls
Unlimited Vodafone to Vodafone texts
RED Unlimited 30 Day Unlimited data
Unlimited any network calls & texts
Unlimited European calls & texts
100 international minutes & texts
Roaming in Europe inclusive
€35 €15
  My Way Plus 18 Months €30 1GB of data
Unlimited Vodafone to Vodafone calls
Unlimited Vodafone to Vodafone texts
Summer Roaming 2015
RED Unlimited 30 Day 100 International Minutes
100 International Texts
Unlimited Data
Unlimited minutes to any network
Unlimited minutes to EU
Unlimited texts to any network
Unlimited texts to EU
€35 €5
  My Way Plus 24 Months €30 Summer Roaming 2015
Unlimited Vodafone to Vodafone calls
Unlimited Vodafone to Vodafone texts
RED Unlimited 30 Day 100 International Minutes
100 International Texts
Unlimited Data
Unlimited minutes to any network
Unlimited minutes to EU
Unlimited texts to any network
Unlimited texts to EU
€35 €5
  My Way Plus 30 Day €15 1GB of data
Unlimited Vodafone to Vodafone calls
Unlimited Vodafone to Vodafone texts
Summer Roaming 2015
Smart plan 30 Unlimited minutes to any network
75 minutes International Voice
Unlimited any network texts
40GB of Data
Unlimited Vodafone to Vodafone calls
Unlimited texts to any network
€30 €15
  Red MBB Ultra - 18 Months €50 50GB Data 30 Day Mobile Broadband 300GB for 30 days €35 -€15
  Occasional Mobile Broadbrand €5 300 MB data MBB Pay as you use - 12 Months Voice, Text and Data Roaming enabled 0.016384 Per MB -
  Perfect Friends SIMO €20 1GB of data
Unlimited Vodafone to Vodafone calls
Unlimited Vodafone to Vodafone texts
Smart plan 30 Unlimited minutes to any network
75 minutes International Voice
Unlimited any network texts
40GB of Data
Unlimited Vodafone to Vodafone calls
Unlimited texts to any network
€30 €10
  Performance Broadband - 18 Months €20 10GB of data
Data to use while roaming in Europe
30 Day Mobile Broadband 300GB for 30 days
Domestic use only
€35 €15
  Performance Broadband - 24 Months €20 10GB of data
Data to use while roaming in Europe
30 Day Mobile Broadband 300GB for 30 days
Domestic use only
€35 €15
  Performance Preferential - 18 Months €17 10GB of data
Data to use while roaming in Europe
30 Day Mobile Broadband 300GB for 30 days
Domestic use only
€35 €18
  Performance Preferential - 24 Months €17 10GB of data
Data to use while roaming in Europe
30 Day Mobile Broadband 300GB for 30 days
Domestic use only
€35 €18
  RED €55 100 international minutes
100 international texts
5GB of data
Unlimited minutes to any network
Unlimited texts to any network
RED Unlimited 100 International Minutes
100 International Texts
Unlimited Data (Dom+EU17/16)
Unlimited Minutes to any Irish Number
Unlimited Minutes to EU17/16
Unlimited Texts to any Irish Number
€65 €10
  Red 30 day sim only 20Gb €25 100 International Minutes
100 International Texts
Unlimited Data
Unlimited minutes to any network
Unlimited minutes to EU
Unlimited texts to any network
Unlimited texts to EU
RED Unlimited 30 Day 100 International Minutes
100 International Texts
Unlimited Data
Unlimited minutes to any network
Unlimited minutes to EU
Unlimited texts to any network
Unlimited texts to EU
€35 €10
  RED Extra €60 100 international minutes
100 international texts
7GB of data
Unlimited minutes to any network
Unlimited texts to any network
RED Unlimited 100 International Minutes
100 International Texts
Unlimited Data (Dom+EU17/16)
Unlimited Minutes to any Irish Number
Unlimited Minutes to EU17/16
Unlimited Texts to any Irish Number
€65 €5
  RED Extra Essentuals €40 Unlimited texts to any network
3GB of data
Unlimited Vodafone to Vodafone calls
Unlimited Vodafone to Vodafone texts
100 Minutes
RED Lite Unlimited data, max speed 10Mbps
Unlimited Vodafone to Vodafone calls
100 mins any network
Unlimited SMS any network
Roaming in Europe Inc
€45 €5
  RED Extra One €45 Unlimited minutes to any network
Unlimited texts to any network
Summer Roaming 2015
2GB of data
RED Business Unlimited Lite Unlimited any network Calls
100 International Minutes
Unlimited Any network Texts
100 International Texts
Unlimited Data
€49 €4
  RED Extra Super €80 500 international minutes
500 international texts
17GB of data
Unlimited minutes to any network
Unlimited texts to any network
RED Unlimited Max Unlimited International Minutes
500 international minutes
Unlimited International Texts
500 international SMS
Unlimited Data (Dom+EU17/16)
Unlimited domestic Minutes
Unlimited domestic Texts
€80 €0
  RED Max €80 500 international minutes
500 international texts
60GB of data
Unlimited minutes to any network
Unlimited texts to any network
RED Unlimited Max Unlimited International Minutes
500 international minutes
Unlimited International Texts
500 international SMS
Unlimited Data (Dom+EU17/16)
Unlimited domestic Minutes
Unlimited domestic Texts
€80 €0
  RED Max SIM Only €45 500 international minutes
500 international texts
50GB of data
Unlimited minutes to any network
Unlimited texts to any network
RED Business Unlimited SIM Only Unlimited Any network EU Calls
250 International Minutes
Unlimited Any network EU Texts
250 texts International Texts
30GB Data
€43 €2
  Red MBB Super - 18 Months €30 30GB Data, roaming in the EU included 30 Day Mobile Broadband 300GB for 30 days Domestic Only €35 €5
  Red MBB Ultra - 12 Months €50 50GB Data
4G data
30 Day Mobile Broadband 300GB for 30 days Domestic Only €35 -€15
  Red MBB Ultra - 18 Months €50 50GB Data
4G data
30 Day Mobile Broadband 300GB for 30 days Domestic Only €35 -€15
  Red MBB Ultra - 24 Months €50 50GB Data
4G data
30 Day Mobile Broadband 300GB for 30 days Domestic Only €35 -€15
  RED One €40 Unlimited minutes to any network
Unlimited texts to any network
Summer Roaming 2015
5GB of data
Red Lite Unlimited data, max speed 10Mbps
Unlimited Vodafone to Vodafone calls
100 mins any network
Unlimited SMS any network
Roaming in Europe Inc
€45 €5
  Smart €25 Vodafone Simply Smart Tariff
50 International Minutes
Unlimited Texts
Unlimited Domestic Minutes
2 GB Data
Smart plan 30 Unlimited minutes to any network
75 minutes International Voice
Unlimited any network texts
40GB of Data
Unlimited Vodafone to Vodafone calls
Unlimited texts to any network
€30 €5
  Smart SIM only €20 10Mb of Data
Unlimited Vodafone to Vodafone calls and texts
100 min to any network
100 text to any network
Smart plan 30 Unlimited minutes to any network
75 minutes International Voice
Unlimited any network texts
40GB of Data
Unlimited Vodafone to Vodafone calls
Unlimited texts to any network
€30 €10
  Standard Broadband - 18 Months €8 1GB Data 30 Day Mobile Broadband 300GB for 30 days
Domestic Only
€35 €27
  Unlimited Lite SIM Only €30 100 minutes to any network
Unlimited texts to any network
Unlimited data
Unlimited Vodafone to Vodafone calls
RED Unlimited SIM Only 100 International Minutes
100 International Texts
Unlimited Data (Dom+EU17/16)
Unlimited Minutes to any Irish Number
Unlimited Minutes to EU17/16
Unlimited Texts to any Irish Number
Unlimited Texts to EU17/16
€35 €5

Vodafone Business - Business Boost packages notice June 2024

Hostopia, the hosting partner behind the Vodafone Business Business Boost packages with products Get Online and Get my Shop Online, are moving to a new data centre within Ireland in June.

Customers impacted

Any customers who have active Business Boost licences for a Get Online or Get My Shop Online product with Vodafone Business purchased through Vodafone Marketplace.

Description of the Work Being Undertaken

  1. The existing EU-Dublin data centre will run as normal while we build the new Dublin data centre.
  2. Hostopia will sync the data from the current Dublin data centre to the new Dublin data centre over a dedicated link.
  3. Once the new Dublin data centre is ready Hostopia will cut over the traffic from the old data centre to the new data centre which will now be considered the Live data centre. This will occur overnight on a Friday-Saturday and require a short maintenance window where the platform is offline for a few hours.
  4. The next step is to fully decommission the old data centre. Much of the hardware will be moved to the new data centre to increase capacity. Bringing that extra capacity online will require a second maintenance window overnight on a subsequent Friday-Saturday, where the platform is offline for a few hours.

Estimated Timescales

Estimates for the above-mentioned maintenance windows are as follows:

  • The provisional time for the first maintenance window will be at 00:01 hours on 15th June 2024.
  • The provisional time for the second maintenance window will be at 00:01 hours on 29th June 2024.
  • Each maintenance window will last between 20 minutes and 6 hours.

Risk and Mitigation Procedures

This is a subset of items from the risk register:

  • Data transfer between data centres will occur over dedicated secure links.
  • Hardware may be damaged in transport, so we have included additional hardware in the new build to mitigate this.
  • A team of multiple people with a range of skill sets will be onsite on and after the cutover date to ensure issues can be addressed quickly.
  • All data will be synchronised and tested on the new platform before cutover.
  • All hardware will be onsite, installed and running approximately 5 weeks before cutover while the data sync is running. This allows time for additional testing.

Customer Experience and Service Behaviour During Maintenance Windows

While there may be differing responses as we transition in and out of the maintenance windows, the behaviour, and responses from the Hostopia platform during the maintenance windows will be as follows:

Platform Access:

  • Webmail: No access, site would return browser error: Site Failed to Connect (exact message is browser specific)
  • Portal: No access, site would return browser error: Site Failed to Connect (exact message is browser specific)

Services (End-Customer user-experience):

  • Domain Names: There will be no impact to the domain names themselves, only the services they point to will be impacted by the migration.
  • DNS Name Servers: EU data centre DNS servers will stop responding for the duration of the maintenance window. However, as long as the customer domain is configured to use all Hostopia NS records then the Hostopia Florida fail-over name servers will continue to respond and direct traffic appropriately. This means that any DNS settings that point to external services (external hosting providers, external email services such as M365 or Google Workspace) will continue to resolve, and those services will continue to operate as normal. For clarity, DNS service mappings contain no PII
  • Web Hosting: Customer websites, OPB-websites or under construction pages will return a browser error for the duration of the migration window: the error message will be along the lines of “Site Failed To Connect” (the exact error message is dependent on the browser used to request the website)
  • Mail SMTP / POP / IMAP: These email ports will stop responding and customers will not be able to send or receive messages from the servers during the maintenance window. End-customers will receive a time-out message if they attempt to use these ports during the maintenance window.
  • Mail Incoming Delivery: During the maintenance window, emails from other platforms will be temporarily undeliverable. Depending on the sender's settings and their service provider, most email platforms typically attempt to resend messages over a 24-hour period if initially undeliverable. Although the frequency and total number of retries vary by sender, emails will commonly reach recipients within a few hours after our server maintenance concludes.

Contract change information notice: Retirement of plans - July 2024

On 01/07/2024 the listed plans in the table below will no longer be available. Customers on these plans will be moved to an alternative plan, as laid out in the table below. This change will take effect between 01/07/2024 and 31/07/20204. This will be reflected in the customers’ bills issued following the change date.


Vodafone will contact all affected customers by SMS a minimum of 30 days in advance of their first affected bill, informing them of the price change relevant to their plan.

Following receipt of this notice, customers' existing terms and conditions will still apply.

Affected customers can continue on the new plan, exit their contracts, or move to another Vodafone plan.

As a result of this migration you might notice part month/pro rata charges on your bill, these are explained here:


  Retiring plan name Current monthly price Retiring plan contents New plan name New monthly price New plan contents Price difference    
  RED Extra €60 7GB Data
Unlimited calls and texts to any Irish mobile or landline
Unlimited calls and texts to European mobile or landline
100 minutes and texts to other international countries
Full access to your plan when roaming across Europe
RED Unlimited 30 Day €35 Unlimited data, max speeds 10Mbps
Unlimited any network calls and texts
Unlimited calls and texts to Europe
100 international minutes and texts
Includes roaming in Europe
  RED €55 5GB data
Unlimited calls and texts to any Irish mobile or landline
Unlimited calls and texts to European mobile or landline
100 minutes and texts to other international countries
RED Unlimited 30 day €35 Unlimited data, max speeds 10Mbps
Unlimited any network calls and texts
Unlimited calls and texts to Europe
100 international minutes and texts
Includes roaming in Europe
  RED Extra Essentials €40 Free Vodafone-to-Vodafone calls and texts
100 minutes to any network
Unlimited texts to any network
3GB data
Red Unlimited 30 Day €35 Unlimited data, max speeds 10Mbps
Unlimited any network calls and texts
Unlimited calls and texts to Europe
100 international minutes and texts
Includes roaming in Europe
  RED Max €80 Unlimited calls and texts to any network
500 international minutes and texts
RED Unlimited Max €80 Unlimited data, fastest available speed
Unlimited calls and texts to any Irish mobile or landline
Unlimited calls and texts to Europe, Australia, US, Canada, New Zealand, Mexico mobiles and landlines
500 minutes and texts to other international countries
Full access to your plan when roaming across Europe
24-month contract
  Unlimited Lite SIM Only €30 Unlimited data, max speed 2Mbps
Free Vodafone-to-Vodafone calls
100 any network texts
Includes roaming in Europe
RED Lite SIM Only €30 Unlimited data, max speeds 10Mbps
Free Vodafone-to-Vodafone calls
100 minutes to any Irish mobile or landline
Unlimited texts to any Irish network
Full access to your plan when roaming across Europe
12-month contract
  RED Extra Super €80 Unlimited calls and texts to any network
500 minutes and texts to other international countries
17GB data
RED Unlimited Max €80 Unlimited data, fastest available speed
Unlimited calls and texts to any Irish mobile or landline
Unlimited calls and texts to Europe, Australia, US, Canada, New Zealand, Mexico mobiles and landlines
500 minutes and texts to other international countries
Full access to your plan when roaming across Europe
24-month contract
  Smart €25 Vodafone Simply Smart Tariff
50 international minutes
Unlimited calls and texts to any Irish network
2GB data
Smart Plan 30 €30 Unlimited any network calls and texts
75 international minutes
40GB data
  RED Max SIM Only €45 Unlimited calls and texts to any network
500 international minutes and texts
50GB data
RED Unlimited Max SIM Only €45 Unlimited data, fastest available speed
Unlimited calls and texts to any Irish mobile or landline
Unlimited calls and texts to Europe, Australia, US, Canada, New Zealand mobile and landline
500 minutes and texts to other international countries
Full access to your plan when roaming across Europe
  RED Plus SIM Only - 12 Months €20 5GB data
Free Vodafone-to-Vodafone calls and texts
60 any network minutes
Unlimited any network texts
1 Family Protect licence
RED Start SIM Only 12 Months €25 10GB data
Free Vodafone-to-Vodafone calls and tests
60 any network minutes
Unlimited any network texts
  Perfect Friends SIMO €20 Unlimited any network calls and texts
1GB data
Smart Plan 30 €30 Unlimited any network calls
75 international minutes
40GB data
  My Way FCAT 12 Months €20 Free Vodafone-to-Vodafone calls and texts
Choose your texts and minutes
No data available on this plan
Red Unlimited 30 Day €35 Unlimited data, max speeds 10Mbps
Unlimited any network calls and texts
Unlimited calls and texts to Europe
100 international minutes and texts
Includes roaming in Europe
  RED One €40 Unlimited calls and texts to any network
Summer roaming 2015
5GB data
Red Unlimited 30 Day €35 Unlimited data, max speeds 10Mbps
Unlimited any network calls and texts
Unlimited calls and texts to Europe
100 international minutes and texts
Includes roaming in Europe
  My Way Plus 24 Months €30 Free Vodafone-to-Vodafone calls and texts
Choose your texts and minutes
500MB data
Red Unlimited 30 Day €35 Unlimited data, max speeds 10Mbps
Unlimited any network calls and texts
Unlimited calls and texts to Europe
100 international minutes and texts
Includes roaming in Europe
  RED Extra One €45 Unlimited calls and texts to any network
Summer Roaming 2015
2GB data
Red Unlimited 30 Day €35 Unlimited data, max speeds 10Mbps
Unlimited any network calls and texts
Unlimited calls and texts to Europe
100 international minutes and texts
Includes roaming in Europe
  My Way Complete €65 Free Vodafone-to-Vodafone calls and texts
500 international minutes
Unlimited international texts
2GB data
Red Lite €46 Unlimited data, max speeds 10Mbps
Free Vodafone-to-Vodafone calls
100 minutes to any Irish mobile or landline
Unlimited texts to any Irish network
Full access to your plan when roaming across Europe
24-month contract
  RED 30 Day SIM Only 20GB €25 20GB data
Unlimited calls and texts to any network
Red Unlimited 30 Day €35 Unlimited data, max speeds 10Mbps
Unlimited any network calls and texts
Unlimited calls and texts to Europe
100 international minutes and texts
Includes roaming in Europe
  My Way Plus 18 Months €30 Free Vodafone-to-Vodafone calls and texts
Choose your minutes and texts
500MB data
Red Unlimited 30 Day €35 Unlimited data, max speeds 10Mbps
Unlimited any network calls and texts
Unlimited calls and texts to Europe
100 international minutes and texts
Includes roaming in Europe
  Unlimited Lite €40 Unlimited data, max speeds 10Mbps
Free Vodafone-to-Vodafone calls
100 any network minutes
Unlimited any network texts
Includes roaming in Europe
Red Unlimited 30 Day €35 Unlimited data, max speeds 10Mbps
Unlimited any network calls and texts
Unlimited EU calls and texts
100 international minutes and texts
Includes roaming in Europe
  My Way FCAT 18 Months €20 Free Vodafone-to-Vodafone calls and texts
Choose your minutes and texts
No data available on this plan
Red Unlimited 30 Day €35 Unlimited data, max speeds 10Mbps
Unlimited any network calls and texts
Unlimited calls and texts to Europe
100 international minutes and texts
Includes roaming in Europe
  My Way Complete €52.85 ex VAT Free Vodafone-to-Vodafone calls and texts
500 international minutes
Unlimited international texts
2GB data
RED Business Unlimited €55 ex VAT Unlimited data at fastest speed available
Unlimited any network calls and texts including Europe
Smart Working Tools: Security
5G ready
24-month contract
€2.15 ex VAT
  My Way Complete Plus €60.98 ex VAT Free Vodafone-to-Vodafone calls and texts
500 international minutes
Unlimited international texts
4GB data
RED Business Unlimited €55 ex VAT Unlimited data at fastest speed available
Unlimited any network calls and texts including Europe
Smart Working Tools: Security
5G ready
24-month contract
-€5.98 ex VAT
  RED €44.72 ex VAT 5GB data
Unlimited calls and texts to any Irish mobile or landline
Unlimited calls and texts to European mobiles or landline
100 minutes and texts to other international countries
RED Unlimited €52.84 ex VAT Unlimited data at fastest speed available
Unlimited calls and texts to any Irish mobile or landline
Unlimited calls and texts to European mobiles or landline
100 minutes and texts to other international countries
Full access to your plan when roaming across Europe
24-month contract
€8.12 ex VAT
  RED 30 Day SIM Only 20GB €20.33 ex VAT 20GB data
Unlimited calls and texts to any network
RED Unlimited 30 Day €28.45 ex VAT Unlimited data, max speeds 10Mbps
Unlimited any network calls and texts
Unlimited calls and texts to Europe
100 international minutes and texts
Includes roaming in Europe
€8.12 ex VAT
  RED Extra €60 7GB data
Unlimited calls and texts to any Irish mobile or landline
Unlimited calls and texts to European mobiles or landline
100 minutes and texts to other international countries
Full access to your plan when roaming across Europe
RED Unlimited €65 Unlimited data, fastest available speed
Unlimited calls and texts to any Irish mobile or landline
Unlimited calls and texts to European mobiles or landline
100 minutes and texts to other international countries
Full Access to your plan when roaming across Europe
24-month contract
  RED Extra Essentials €32.52 ex VAT Free Vodafone-to-Vodafone calls and texts
100 minutes to any network
Unlimited texts to any network
3GB data
RED Lite €37.39 ex VAT Unlimited data, max speed 10Mbps
Free Vodafone-to-Vodafone calls
100 any network minutes
Unlimited any network SMS
Includes roaming in Europe
€4.89 ex VAT
  RED Extra One €36.58 ex VAT Unlimited calls and texts to any network
Summer Roaming 2015
2GB of data
RED Business Unlimited Lite €40 ex VAT Unlimited Data at Max speed 10Mbps
Unlimited any network calls and texts
100 International Minutes and texts
Unlimited free roaming in Europe
24-month contract
€3.42 ex VAT
  RED Extra Super €80 Unlimited calls and texts to any network
500 minutes and texts to other international countries
17GB data
RED Unlimited Max €80 Unlimited data, fastest available speed
Unlimited calls and texts to any Irish mobile or landline
Unlimited calls and texts to Europe, Australia, US, Canada, New Zealand, Mexico mobiles and landlines
500 minutes and texts to other international countries
Full Access to your plan when roaming across Europe
24-month contract
  RED Max €80 Unlimited calls and texts to any network
500 international minutes and texts
60GB data
RED Unlimited Max €80 Unlimited data, fastest available speed
Unlimited calls and texts to any Irish mobile or landline
Unlimited calls and texts to Europe, Australia, US, Canada, New Zealand, Mexico mobiles and landlines
500 minutes and texts to other international countries
Full Access to your plan when roaming across Europe
24-month contract
  RED Max SIM Only €36.58 ex VAT Unlimited calls and texts to any network
500 international minutes and texts
50GB data
RED Business Unlimited SIM Only €35 ex VAT Unlimited data
Unlimited calls and texts including Europe
250 International minutes and texts
Unlimited roaming in Europe
-€1.58 ex VAT
  RED One €32.42 ex VAT Unlimited calls and texts to any network
Summer Roaming 2015
5GB of data
RED Lite €37.39 ex VAT Unlimited data, max speed 10Mbps
Free Vodafone-to-Vodafone calls
100 any network minutes
Unlimited any network texts
Includes roaming in Europe
€4.87 ex VAT
  Unlimited Lite SIM Only €24.39 ex VAT Unlimited data, max speed 2Mbps
Free Vodafone-to-Vodafone calls
100 any network minutes
Unlimited any network texts
Includes roaming in Europe
RED Unlimited SIM Lite €28.46 ex VAT Unlimited data, fastest available speed
Unlimited calls and texts to any Irish mobile or landline
Unlimited calls and texts to European mobiles or landline
100 minutes and texts to other international countries
Full access to your plan when roaming across Europe
12-month contract
€4.06 ex VAT
  Unlimited Lite €32.52 ex VAT Unlimited data, max speed 10Mbps
Free Vodafone-to-Vodafone calls
100 any network minutes
Unlimited any network SMS
Includes roaming in Europe
RED Lite €37.39 ex VAT Unlimited data, max speed 10Mbps
Free Vodafone-to-Vodafone calls
100 any network minutes
Unlimited any network texts
Includes roaming in Europe
€4.87 ex VAT

Contract change information notice: Retirement of plans - March 2024

On 01/05/2024 the listed plans in the table below will no longer be available. Customers on these plans will be moved to an alternative plan, as laid out in the table below. This change will take effect between 01/05/2024 and 31/05/20204. This will be reflected in the customers’ bills issued following the change date.


Vodafone will contact all affected customers by SMS a minimum of 30 days in advance of their first affected bill, informing them of the price change relevant to their plan.

Following receipt of this notice, customers' existing terms and conditions will still apply.

Affected customers can continue on the new plan, exit their contracts, or move to another Vodafone plan.

As a result of this migration you might notice part month/pro rata charges on your bill, these are explained here:


  Retiring plan name Current monthly price Retiring plan contents Current Out of Bundle Rate per MB New plan name New monthly price New Out of Bundle Rate per MB New plan contents Price difference    
  3G BB 3 Month Half Price Offer €30 10GB of data €0.016384 4G Unlimited Mobile Broadband €40 €0.00 as it is an unlimited plan Unlimited Data
Fastest 4G speeds
12-month contract
  3G MBB €15 3GB of data €0.011264 4G Unlimited Mobile Broadband €40 €0.00 as it is an unlimited plan Unlimited Data
Fastest 4G speeds
12-month contract
  4G Mobile Broadband - 24 Months €25 15GB of data €0.016384 4G Unlimited Mobile Broadband €40 €0.00 as it is an unlimited plan Unlimited Data
Fastest 4G speeds
12-month contract
  Mobile Broadband VF Pref - 24 Months €15 10GB of data €0.016384 €4G Unlimited Mobile Broadband €40 €0.00 as it is an unlimited plan Unlimited Data
Fastest 4G speeds
12-month contract
  4G Mobile Broadband - 24 Months €20.32 ex VAT 15GB of data €0.016384 30 Days Mobile Broadband €28.46 ex VAT €0.00 as it is an unlimited plan 300GB data per month
Fast 4G speeds
€8.14 ex VAT    
  1 day MBB data plan €0 0 €0.016384 Per MB MBB Pay as you use €0 €0.016384 Per MB Voice, Text, and Data
Fast 4G speeds
  3GB MBB €12.19 ex VAT 3GB of data €0.011264 Per MB RED TAB PLUS - 12 months €13 ex VAT €0.016384 Per MB 10GB Data Allowance €0.81 ex VAT  

Contract change information notice: Retirement of plans - January 2024

On 01/03/2024 the listed plans in the table below will no longer be available. Customers on these plans will be moved to an alternative plan, as laid out in the table below. This change will take place on 07/03/2024. This will be reflected in the customers’ bills issued following the change date


Vodafone will contact all affected customers by SMS a minimum of 30 days in advance of their first affected bill, informing them of the price increase relevant to their plan.

Following receipt of this notice, customers' existing terms and conditions will still apply.

Affected customers can continue on the new plan, exit their contracts, or move to another Vodafone plan.

As a result of this migration you might notice part month/pro rata charges on your bill, these are explained here:


  Retiring plan name Current monthly price Retiring plan contents New plan name New monthly price Price difference New plan contents      
  Perfect Choice Access Plus - 18 Months €45.74 500MB
150 domestic minutes
Perfect Friends - 24 Months €35.00 €11.00 Unlimited data
2,000 minutes
2,000 text messages
  Perfect Choice Access Plus - 24 Months €45.74 500MB
150 minutes any network
150 texts any network
Perfect Friends - 24 Months €35.00 €11.00 Unlimited data
2,000 minutes
2,000 text messages
  Perfect Choice Access Plus 300 - 12 Months €61.00 1GB
300 domestic minutes
300 domestic texts
Red Unlimited €60.00 €1.00 Unlimited data
Unlimited calls and text to European mobiles and landlines
100 minutes and texts to other international countries
  Perfect Choice Access Plus 300 - 18 Months €61.00 1GB
300 domestic minutes
300 domestic texts
Red Unlimited €60.00 €1.00 Unlimited data
Unlimited calls and text to European mobiles and landlines
100 minutes and texts to other international countries
  RED unlimited €60.00 Unlimited data
Unlimited calls and text to European mobiles and landlines
100 minutes and texts to other international countries
Red Unlimited €60.00 €0.00 Unlimited data
Unlimited calls and text to European mobiles and landlines
100 minutes and texts to other international countries
  RED unlimited Max €80.00 Unlimited data, fastest speed available
Unlimited national calls and texts
Unlimited international calls and texts to EU, US, Can, Mex, Aus, and NZ
500 international minutes and texts
Red Unlimited Max €60.00 €0.00 Unlimited data, fastest speed available
Unlimited national calls and texts
Unlimited international calls and texts to EU, US, Can, Mex, Aus, and NZ
  RED unlimited Max Sim Only €45.00 Unlimited data, fastest speed available
Unlimited national calls and texts
Unlimited international calls and texts to EU, US, Can, Mex, Aus, and NZ
500 international minutes and texts
Red Unlimited Max SIM Only €45.00 €0.00 Unlimited data, fastest speed available
Unlimited national calls and texts
Unlimited international calls and texts to EU, US, Can, Mex, Aus, and NZ
  RED unlimited Sim Only €35.00 Unlimited data
Unlimited calls and texts at home and Europe
Full access to your plan when roaming across Europe
Unlimited calls and texts to European mobiles and landlines, plus 100 minutes and texts to other international countries
Red Unlimited SIM Only €35.00 €0.00 Unlimited data
Unlimited calls and texts at home and Europe
Full access to your plan when roaming across Europe
Unlimited calls and texts to European mobiles and landlines, plus 100 minutes and texts to other international countries
  My Way Complete Plus €52.85 ex VAT Free Vodafone to Vodafone calls and texts
500 worldwide minutes
Unlimited worldwide texts
4GB data
Red Business Unlimited €55.00 ex VAT €2.15 Unlimited data
Unlimited domestic calls and texts to Europe
500 International minutes and texts
  Perfect Choice Access Plus 150 - 12 Months €37.19 ex VAT Free Vodafone to Vodafone calls and texts
150 any network minutes
150 anywhere texts
500MB data
Red Business Lite €45.00 ex VAT €7.81 Unlimited data at max speed 10Mbps
Unlimited any network calls and texts
100 International minutes and texts
Unlimited free EU Roaming
24-month contract
  Perfect Choice Access Plus 300 - 12 Months €49.59 ex VAT Free Vodafone to Vodafone calls and texts
300 any network minutes
300 anywhere texts
1GB data
Red Business Unlimited €55.00 ex VAT €5.41 Unlimited data
Unlimited domestic calls and texts to EU
500 International minutes and texts

Microsoft CSP to NCE Migrations Notice

From January 2024, Microsoft will begin automatic migration of all renewing commercial and public sector customers to new commerce.

All legacy subscriptions that Microsoft migrates to new commerce will be set to an annual term, with the same plan and seat counts that the customers had in legacy. The Microsoft-led migration will occur on the date of subscription renewal, starting with all subscriptions renewing in January 2024 and continuing throughout the 2024 calendar year. These changes will be reflected in customers’ bills issued following the migration date.

Vodafone will contact all affected customers by SMS/Email a minimum of 30 days in advance of the migration, informing them of any price change relevant to their subscription.

Following receipt of this notice, negatively impacted customers may change or cancel their service within 30 days, without penalty, by dialling 1907 or 1800 590 590


What does this mean for you as a Vodafone Business Customer with one or more Microsoft licences

  • CSP Microsoft licence will be migrating to NCE Licence
  • If you are on a rolling 30-day contract, this will move to a 12-month contract
  • You may see a price change to your current subscription

Permanent TSB Mobile Top Up service

The Permanent TSB Mobile Top Up service through Open24 Online Banking and the Permanent TSB mobile banking app will no longer be available from 22 September 2023. There are many other ways you may top up your mobile phone, including:

  1. My Vodafone - The quickest and easiest way to top up is through the My Vodafone app or on Here you can top up, check your balance and much more including getting exclusive offers with Fantastic Freebie. Auto top up - Auto top up is a convenient service that automatically tops up your number or your friends or family's number every 28 days. For more information, please see our Auto top up FAQs
  2. Auto top up - Auto top up is a convenient service that automatically tops up your number or your friends or family's number every 28 days. For more information, please see our Auto top up FAQs.
  3.  Free call or text - You can top up by speaking to one of our agents on 1741 and selecting option 2. While on the call, you can also opt to save your card details so that you can top up by SMS in the future. If you have set up top up via SMS, simply text 'TOPUP' followed by the top up amount and last 4 digits of your registered payment card to 50277(e.g., TOPUP 30 1234 to top up by €30).
  4. In store - You can purchase a top up voucher at any one of over 7,500 retailers nationwide as well as in any Vodafone store.

Service retirement notice –Vodafone Passport Mobile Internet – effective September 2023

Vodafone Passport Mobile Internet will no longer be available from 27th September 2023.

The service will be removed from this date for any Customers who are opted in to Vodafone Passport Mobile Internet. No further action is required. You may continue to use Passport Data until this date.

Standard data rates will apply when travelling outside of Europe. Changes to the standard data rates will be announced in September. Once you arrive in your roaming destination, Vodafone will send you a SMS with rate details if you are opted into receiving Roaming SMS Welcome messages.

The latest Standard Roaming rates are always available on the roaming page of our website. Visit for more information


Service retirement notice: Vodafone Secure Net (Business Customers) - Effective July 2023

We would like to inform you that Vodafone Secure Net, our security service, will undergo an important update starting from 6th July 2023 to 14th July 2023. As a result, the existing version of Secure Net that you are currently using will no longer be available after these dates.


How does this affect you?

Secure Net has been providing protection against viruses, dangerous files, and warnings about harmful websites. Unfortunately, these features will no longer be accessible. We understand the importance of digital security, and we encourage you to explore our Knowledge Centre | Vodafone Business for informative articles on this subject.


Will there be an updated version of Secure Net?

No, we regret to inform you that we are unable to continue offering Secure Net services to you. However, we are constantly working to enhance our offerings and provide alternative solutions to meet your needs.


Are there any other alternatives available presently?

At present, we do not have a direct replacement for Secure Net. However, we offer a range of security solutions for small businesses that can be tailored to your specific needs. To find the solution that best suits you, please visit our website at


Please feel free to get in touch with us via webchat or call us at 1907 if you have any other questions.


Contract change information notice: Removal of Smart Plan and Smart 25 - June 2023

On 01/06/2023 the Smart Plan and Smart 25 plans will no longer be available. Customers on these plans will be moved to Smart 30 Or RED Business Unlimited Sim Only (as set out in the table below). This change will take effect between 01/06/2023 and 30/06/2023. For business customers, the change will be taking effect between 15/07/2023 and 22/07/2023. This will be reflected in customers’ bills issued following the change date.

Vodafone will contact all affected customers by SMS a minimum of 30 days in advance of their first affected bill, informing them of the price increase relevant to their plan.

Following receipt of this notice, customers may change or cancel their contract within 30 days, without penalty, by dialling 1907.

Affected customers can continue on the new plan, exit their contracts, or move to another Vodafone plan.

As a result of this migration you might notice part month/pro rata charges on your bill, these are explained here:


  Retiring plan name Current monthly price Retiring plan contents New plan name New monthly price Price difference New plan contents      
  Smart Plan €25.00 2 GB data
Unlimited domestic calls and texts
50 International minutes
Smart 30 €30.00 €5.00 40 GB data
Unlimited domestic calls and texts
75 International minutes
Note: can be cancelled at any time by providing us with 30 days’ notice (this change does not affect your current contract minimum term).

See full terms
  Smart 25 €25.00 25 GB data
Unlimited domestic calls and texts
50 International minutes
Smart 30 €30.00 €5.00 40 GB data
Unlimited domestic calls and texts
75 International minutes
Note: can be cancelled at any time by providing us with 30 days’ notice (this change does not affect your current contract minimum term).

See full terms

For Business customers;

  Retiring plan name Current monthly price Retiring plan contents New Business plan name New monthly price Price difference New plan contents      
  Smart 25 €25 Unlimited any network calls & texts, 25GB Data RED Business Unlimited Sim Only €30.00 €5.00

Unlimited data
Unlimited domestic calls and texts
100 International minutes
Note: can be cancelled at any time by providing us with 30 days’ notice (this change does not affect your current contract minimum term).

See full terms

  Smart Plan €25 Unlimited any network calls & texts, 2GB Data RED Business Unlimited Sim Only €30.00 €5.00

Unlimited data
Unlimited domestic calls and texts
100 International minutes
Note: can be cancelled at any time by providing us with 30 days’ notice (this change does not affect your current contract minimum term).

See full terms


Service retirement notice: Vodafone RCS (Rich Communication Service) retirement 27th of March 2023

From 27 of March 2023, Vodafone will begin a phased programme to retire the Vodafone RCS (Rich Communication Service) platform, which allows Android users to enrich messages by sharing images and videos similar to using an advanced messaging service mobile application. The service does not include additional costs for customers and is compatible with some Android smartphones (Samsung, LG, HUAWEI, Sony Nexus and Nokia). The retirement of the service will be complete by 31/03/2023.

Following retirement of this service, customers may continue to send SMS or MMS messages or may choose to enable the chat function on their smartphone offered by another RCS service provider, by downloading the updated version of the message app, available from the Google play store. Availability of an alternative RCS service from another provider is subject having access to the Google Play store. If you have questions about the handset's capability, please contact the manufacturer for additional information.

Customers who already use the updated version of the Messages app will be able to enable the Chat function immediately upon first opening the app, accepting the Terms and Conditions of the service.

Please note the cost and content (Voice, SMS and Data etc) of your current Vodafone price plan are unaffected.


Customer Notification: Bank of Ireland mobile phone top up services not available after 31 March 2023.

The Bank of Ireland mobile phone top up service through 365 online or the Bank of Ireland app will no longer be available after 31 March 2023. There are many other ways you may top up your mobile phone; including:

  1. My Vodafone - The quickest and easiest way to top up is through the My Vodafone app or on Here you can top up, check your balance and much more including getting exclusive offers with Fantastic Freebie. 
  2. Auto top up - Auto top up is a convenient service that automatically tops up your number or your friends or family's number every 28 days. For more information, please see our Auto top up FAQs
  3. Free call or text - You can top up by speaking to one of our agents on 1741 and selecting option 2. While on the call, you can also opt to save your card details so that you can top up by SMS in the future.
    If you have set up top up via SMS, simply text 'TOPUP' followed by the top up amount and last 4 digits of your registered payment card to 50277. (e.g. TOPUP 30 1234 to top up by €30)
  4. In store - You can purchase a top up voucher at any one of over 7,500 retailers nationwide as well as in any Vodafone store.

CONTRACT CHANGE INFORMATION NOTICE: Price increase of Vodafone Fixed rate plans - March 2022

At Vodafone Ireland, we continually review our products and services to ensure our customers have the best connectivity experience possible. From March 8th, 2023 prices for certain voice packages will increase by €5 ex VAT for some customers, which reflects our ongoing investment into upgrading our network and services and supporting the ever-growing demand for customers.


Plan Name

Base Price (ex VAT)

Price after increase (ex VAT)

ISDN Basic Line Rental



VO ISDN Basic Line Rental



Vodafone Line Rental ISDN



Vodafone Office Control SME Voice ISDN




Notice of changes: PAYG Out of Bundle ("OOB") Price Increase - November 2022

Why is Vodafone making these changes?

At Vodafone, we continually review our prices and make changes so that we can continue to invest in our networks, products and services. These changes are required to bring all PAYG plans in line with other packages. This will not impact the allowances included in a Top Up Offer. Customers will only be impacted with this change if they exceed the allowances on their plan or do not activate their top up offer every 28 days.

What are the Prices?

Previous Prices:


Existing Advantage Plus Rates until 20th Nov:

Existing Lifestyle Rates until 20th Nov:                                 

Irish Mobiles and landlines


9c connection fee and then 38c per minute


9c connection fee and then 45c per minute



18c per text


18c per text



€1.99 for 100MB daily allowance & 1c per MB after

€1.99 for 100MB daily allowance & 2c per MB after 100MB 


New Prices:


New rates for all customers from 21st Nov:

Irish Mobiles and landlines


9c connection fee and then 45c per minute



22c per text



€1.99 for 100MB daily allowance & 2c per MB after 100MB 


What are the differences between the charges?

Our Top Up Offers require you to top up by a certain amount and in return receive set allowances for 28 days. When you exceed the allowances on their plan or if you do not activate your Top Up Offer, you pay out of bundle rates. Customers not on a Top Up Offer or on an older offer from Vodafone may pay per rate charges on any calls, texts or data sessions.

When will this change happen?

The new charges will apply from 21/11/2022. From that date, any usage outside your top up offer or any customer not on a top up offer will be charged at these new rates.

I am on a Top Up Offer, will this change affect my current plan?

No, this will not have an impact on the price or allowances included in your Top Up Offer. The only way this change will affect you is if you go out of your Top Up Offer allowances, if you do not activate your top up offer every 28 days or if you are not on a top up offer.

Why does it say I am free to withdraw from my contract? I am a PAYG customer, am I in a contract?

The SMS references the word contract as all PAYG customers have contracted with Vodafone for Vodafone to provide telecommunications service to them. As you are on Vodafone Pay as you go, you are on a rolling telecommunications contract and are free to cancel your service at any time. PAYG customers do not have a minimum term contract.

I am not on a top up offer and pay per rate charges on any calls, texts or data sessions, how do I get better value?

If you switch to a Top Up offer you can get set allowances for calls, texts and data when you top up by a set amount every 28 days.  See a full list of all available Top Up Offers and details on how to switch.


CONTRACT CHANGE INFORMATION NOTICE: Price increase of Vodafone Fixed rate plans - November 2022

At Vodafone Ireland, we continually review our products and services to ensure our customers have the best connectivity experience possible. From November 1st, 2022 prices for certain broadband packages will increase by €5 for some customers, which reflects our ongoing investment into upgrading our network and services and supporting the ever-growing demand for customers.

Vodafone will contact all affected customers by SMS a minimum of 30 days in advance of their first affected bill, informing them of the price increase relevant to their plan. Following receipt of this notice, customers may change or cancel their contract within 30 days, without penalty, by dialling 1907. Affected customers can exit their contracts, or move to another Vodafone plan, if eligible.

The price change will be applied to bills issued on or after 1 November 2022. Customers can review their current package plan by reviewing their monthly bill which is accessible online in their MyVodafone account or reviewing their paper copy bill. The table below sets out the change in price per price plan:


Package plan name

Current Price

New Price

First 12 months of contract


First 12 months of contract


Vodafone Simply Broadband





Home Essentials (Simply Broadband + Unlimited Irish landline calls)





Home Unlimited (Simply Broadband + Unlimited Irish landline and mobile calls)





 Simply Broadband + Vodafone TV





 Simply Broadband + Vodafone TV Plus





Home Essentials + Vodafone TV





Home Essentials + Vodafone TV Plus





Home Unlimited +Vodafone TV





Home Unlimited +Vodafone TV  Plus





Simply Broadband





Simply Broadband Basic





Simply Broadband Basic (V)





Simply Broadband Basic & Talk PSTN





Simply Broadband & Talk PSTN





Simply Broadband & Talk





Simply Broadband & TV Basic





Simply Broadband & TV





Simply Broadband & TV Basic & Talk PSTN





Simply Broadband & TV Basic & Talk





Simply Broadband & TV & Talk PSTN





Simply Broadband & TV & Talk





Vodafone Simply Broadband Max





Simply Broadband





Simply Broadband & Talk





Simply Broadband & TV





Simply Broadband & TV & Talk






CONTRACT CHANGE: NGA Technology across Business Broadband, Business Broadband & Voice and Business Voice only

From 1st of November 2022, the price of certain Vodafone Fixed services will increase by €5 ex VAT a month. This price change will be applied to bills issued on or after November 1st.


Vodafone will contact all affected customers by EDM, Letter or SMS a minimum of 30 days in advance of their first affected bill, informing them of the price increase relevant to their plan. Following receipt of this notice, customers may change or cancel their contract within 30 days, without penalty, by dialling 1907. Affected customers can continue on the new plan, exit their contracts, or move to another Vodafone plan.


Tariff Plan Name Current Price (ex VAT) New Price (ex VAT)
Essential Business Broadband €35.86 €40.86
Office Essentials - Fibre 500 (Eir) (12 month) (€45) €65 €70
Office Essentials Gigabit 150 (Eir) (12 month) (€25) €55 €60
PSTN Line Rental €20.58 €25.58
Simply BB for Business - Fibre (12 month) (€40) €50 €55
Simply BB for Business (12 month) €45 €50
Simply BB for Business - Fibre (12 month) €40 €45
Simply Broadband for Business - Fibre (18 month) €35 €40
Standard Fibre Broadband (12 month) €32 €37
Standard Fibre Broadband (18 month) €25 €30
Unlimited Fibre Broadband (12 month) €30 €35
Unlimited Broadband (Up to 24mb) (12 month) €30 €35
Unlimited Fibre Broadband (18 month) €30 €35
Vodafone Office Control - Fibre Broadband (18 month) €59.99 €64.99
Unlimited Fibre Broadband (12 month) €30 €35
Vodafone Office Essentials - Fibre (24 month) €40 €45
Vodafone Office Essentials - Fibre (12 month) €45 €50
Vodafone Office Essentials - Fibre (18 month)) €50 €55
Vodafone Office Essentials - Fibre (12 month) (€45) €55 €60
Vodafone Office Line Rental - PSTN €20.59 €25.59
Vodafone Office Line Rental €25.31 €30.31
Vodafone Office Professional - Fibre (24 month) €45 €50
Vodafone Office Professional - Fibre (24 month) €50 €55
Vodafone Office Professional - Fibre (18 month) €55 €60
Vodafone Office Unlimited - Fibre (24 month) €55 €60
Vodafone Office Unlimited - Fibre (24 month) €60 €65
Vodafone Office Unlimited - Fibre (18 month) €65 €70
Vodafone Office up to 8Mb €69.05 €74.05
Vodafone Office Value - Fibre Broadband (18 month) €51.99 €56.99
Vodafone Office Value (Up to 24MB) (12 Month) €56.99 €61.99

Notification on post cancellation charges for Vodafone Bill Pay customers

Late last year, ComReg (Commission for Communications Regulation) conducted a review of certain billing practices and the retention of customer credits by Vodafone. During that review, it was established that since 2016 some Vodafone customers were charged for services beyond their cancellation date, known as post cancellation charges. Essentially, any bill sent to customers during the 30-day notice period included the full monthly recurring charge and this related, at least in part, to a date beyond the expiry of the notice period.

Vodafone did not automatically refund customers that paid these post cancellation charges or for other credits owed to them. Instead, credit was applied to the customer’s bill and remained on their account. A customer could contact Vodafone to claim their refund but many did not. The review found that 74,271 customers were not refunded, to the value of up to €2.1 million.

Vodafone is fully committed to refunding these customers. If you are due a refund, Vodafone will contact you and we will issue you with a full refund to your bank account or provide a refund voucher to you by email or letter, by end of 2022.

If you have any further questions, please take a look at our FAQs.



How do I find out if I’m entitled to a refund?
If you are entitled to a refund, we will contact you over the next few months. We aim to have all refunds completed by the end of 2022.

How will Vodafone communicate?
We will contact you by SMS, email, or letter. We will use your preferred contact information when contacting you about your refund.

How will Vodafone refund the credit?
Vodafone will issue you with a full refund to your bank account, or provide a refund voucher to you by email or letter.

When will Vodafone refund the credit?
Refunds will be issued from August 2022, and will continue for a number of months.

I was a Vodafone prepay customer, am I entitled to a refund?
No, former Vodafone prepay customers are not due a refund.


Contract change: removal of Perfect Friends SIM Only plan - September 2022

CONTRACT CHANGE information notice: Removal of Perfect Friends SIM Only plan - September 2022
On 02/09/2022 the Perfect Friends SIM Only plan will no longer be available. Customers on this plan will be moved to Smart Plan 25 (as set out in the table below).  This change will take effect between 17/08/2022 and 02/09/2022 and will be reflected in customers’ bills issued following this date.  

Vodafone will contact all affected customers by SMS a minimum of 30 days in advance of their first affected bill, informing them of the price increase relevant to their plan. Following receipt of this notice, customers may change or cancel their contract within 30 days, without penalty, by dialling 1907. Affected customers can continue on the new plan, exit their contracts, or move to another Vodafone plan.


Retiring Plan Current Price Current Plan Contents New Plan Name New Price Difference New Plan Contents
Perfect Friends SIM Only €20.00 1GB data
Unlimited domestic calls and texts
30 day rolling contract
Smart 25 €25.00 €5.00 25GB Data
50 international minutes
Unlimited domestic calls and texts
12 month contract 

New plan terms and conditions


CONTRACT CHANGE information notice: Removal of Vodafone legacy mobile plan – August 2022

On 20th of August 2022 the RED Plus SIMO plan will no longer be available. Customers on this plan will be moved to RED Start SIMO (as set out in the table below).  This change will take effect between 04th August and 20th August 2022 and will be reflected in customers’ bills issued following this date. From the date this subscription is moved, your mobile data allowance will increase from 5GB to 10GB and the price of this plan will be €25 per month. If you have a RED Protect subscription this will also cease. All other plan features will remain as is. If you have a RED Family discount associated with this subscription that discount will remain unaffected.

Vodafone will contact all affected customers by SMS a minimum of 30 days in advance of their first affected bill, informing them of the price increase relevant to their plan. Following receipt of this notice, customers may change or cancel their contract within 30 days, without penalty, by dialling 1907. Affected customers can continue on the new tariff, exit their contracts, or move to another Vodafone plan.


Retiring package Current price New package name New price Difference New package contents
RED Plus SIMO €20.00 RED Start SIMO €25.00 €5.00

10GB of data (max speed 10mbps)

Unlimited Vodafone to Vodafone calls

60 minutes of calls to any network or landline

Unlimited texts to any Irish mobile

Full access to plan when roaming across Europe

Capped 12 month SIMO plan

New plan terms


Contract change: roaming data allowance on Vodafone X – June 2022

At Vodafone Ireland we are constantly reviewing our products and services in line with market rates and needs. From 28/06/2022, Vodafone X top up offer will have a fair use roaming data threshold of 30GB while roaming in the EEA.


Top Up Offer Names Changes to Offer
Vodafone X      Introduction of a fair use roaming data policy of 30GB while roaming in the EEA
  Data use while roaming outside 30GB is charged at €0.002162 per MB




Vodafone will contact all affected customers by SMS or email a minimum of 30 days in advance of the effective date. Following receipt of this notice, customers may withdraw from their prepay contract without penalty at any time by contacting our Live Chat agents by visiting our pay as you go support hub. Affected customers can continue with their existing offer, exit their prepay contract, or move to another Vodafone offer.

The change will apply from 28th June. Customers can review their current offer in their MyVodafone account.

For any questions in relation to Vodafone X please see the Vodafone X FAQs on the Vodafone X support page


I received a Vodafone text that my ‘Red Protect’ service will be discontinued from May 1st, what does this mean?

From May 1st Vodafone Ireland will no longer provide the ‘Red Protect’ service as a product, this means the product will no longer be available for purchase and will expire from existing customer accounts. Please contact us via the chat button on our bill pay support hub. Please have your customer account info ready.

Service Announcement: Support end date for Sure Signal Hardware - November 2021

From 17 December 2021 the Sure Signal hardware can no longer be supported and will not work with the Vodafone mobile service.  Customers impacted will be contacted directly.  If you are impacted you may be able to use the Vodafone Wifi Calling feature to make and receive calls. More details can be found on the 4G Calling and Wifi Calling page.

Changes to Extra Unlimited– November 2021

At Vodafone Ireland we are constantly reviewing our products and services in line with market rates and needs. From November 2021, prices of certain pay as you go unlimited top up offers will have a fair use threshold of 30GB while roaming in the EEA and will also have 5G capability added to the offer.

Top Up Offer Names Changes to Offer
Extra Unlimited
Introduction of 5G service
Introduction of a fair use policy of 30GB while roaming in the EEA
Data use outside 30GB is charged at €0.002441 per MB

Vodafone will contact all affected customers by SMS or email a minimum of 30 days in advance of the effective date. Following receipt of this notice, customers may change or cancel their contract within 30 days, without penalty, by dialling 1747 or by Live Chat via Affected customers can continue with their existing offer, exit their contracts, or move to another Vodafone offer.

The change will apply from 15th November with all migrations being complete by 20th November. Customers can review their current offer in their MyVodafone account.

For any questions in relation to 5G please see the 5G FAQs on the pay as you go support page.


CONTRACT CHANGE information notice: Price increase of Vodafone Fixed rate plans - November 2021

At Vodafone Ireland we are constantly reviewing our products and services in line with market rates and needs.  From November 2021 prices for certain broadband packages will increase by €5 per month for a small number of customers due to increased operational costs.   

Vodafone will contact all affected customers by SMS a minimum of 30 days in advance of their first affected bill, informing them of the price increase relevant to their plan. Following receipt of this notice, customers may change or cancel their contract within 30 days, without penalty, by dialling 1907. Affected customers can exit their contracts, or move to another Vodafone plan, if eligible.

The price change will be applied to bills issued on or after 1 November 2021. Customers can review their current package plan by reviewing their monthly bill which is accessible online in their MyVodafone account or reviewing their paper copy bill. The table below sets out the change in price per price plan:


Package plan name

Current Price

New Price

First 12 months of contract


First 12 months of contract


Vodafone Simply Broadband





Home Essentials (Simply Broadband + Unlimited Irish landline calls)





Home Unlimited (Simply Broadband + Unlimited Irish landline and mobile calls)





 Simply Broadband + Vodafone TV





 Simply Broadband + Vodafone TV Plus





Home Essentials + Vodafone TV





Home Essentials + Vodafone TV Plus





Home Unlimited +Vodafone TV





Home Unlimited +Vodafone TV  Plus





Simply Broadband





Simply Broadband Basic





Simply Broadband Basic (V)





Simply Broadband Basic & Talk PSTN





Simply Broadband & Talk PSTN





Simply Broadband & Talk





Simply Broadband & TV Basic





Simply Broadband & TV





Simply Broadband & TV Basic & Talk PSTN





Simply Broadband & TV Basic & Talk





Simply Broadband & TV & Talk PSTN





Simply Broadband & TV & Talk





Vodafone Simply Broadband Max





Simply Broadband





Simply Broadband & Talk





Simply Broadband & TV





Simply Broadband & TV & Talk









CONTRACT CHANGE information notice: Price increase of legacy Vodafone Business Fixed rate plans - October 2021

At Vodafone Ireland we are constantly reviewing our products and services in line with market rates and needs.  From October 2021, prices for certain Business broadband packages will increase by €5 for a small number of legacy customers due to increased operational costs. 

Vodafone will contact all affected customers by SMS or email a minimum of 30 days in advance of their first affected bill, informing them of the price increase relevant to their plan. Following receipt of this notice, customers may change or cancel their contract within 30 days, without penalty, by dialling 1907. Affected customers can continue their existing plan, exit their contracts, or move to another Vodafone plan, if eligible.

The price change will be applied to bills issued on or after 14 October.

Customers can review their current tariff by reviewing their monthly bill which is accessible in their MyVodafone account, hard copy of the bill or the digital bill.

More information on tariffs as per below:


Tariff plan name

Current Price

(ex VAT)

New Price

(ex VAT)

Price Increase

(ex VAT)

3MB Business Broadband




3MB Business Broadband & Voice Bundle




7MB Business Broadband




Up to 8MB Business Broadband




8MB Business Broadband




12MB Business Broadband




Advanced Business Broadband




Advanced+ Business Broadband




Essential Business Broadband




Essential+ Business Broadband




Simply Broadband for Business (12 mth)




Simply Broadband for Business – SAAB (12 mth)




Simply Broadband for Business – SAAB (18 mth)




Simply Broadband for Business – SAAB (18 mth)




Simply Broadband for Business – SAAB (24 mth)




Simply Broadband for Business – SAAB (24 mth)




Simply Broadband for Business – SAAB (24 mth)




Standard Broadband – Up to 24 MB (12 mth)




Standard Broadband – Up to 24MB (18 mth)




Unlimited Broadband – Up to 24MB (12 mth)




Unlimited Broadband – Up to 24MB (18 mth)




Vodafone Office Control Pref




Vodafone Office Control – Up to 24MB (12 mth)




Vodafone Office Control – Up to 24MB (18 mth)




Vodafone Office Control




Vodafone Office Essential (12 mth)




Vodafone Office Essentials (12 mth)




Vodafone Office Essentials (18 mth)




Vodafone Office Essentials (24 mth)




Vodafone Office Essentials SME (24 mth)




Vodafone Office Phone + Essential Broadband




Vodafone Office Phone + Advanced Broadband




Vodafone Office One Plan Option 1a (BT)






CONTRACT CHANGE information notice: Removal of Red 30 Day SIM Only 20GB plan - October 2021

On 1st December 2021 the Red 30 Day SIM Only 20GB plan will no longer be available. Customers on this plan will be moved to Red Unlimited 30 Day (as set out in the table below). This change will take effect between 17th November 2021 and 1st December 2021. The change will be reflected in customers’ bills issued following this date.

Vodafone will contact all affected customers by SMS a minimum of 30 days in advance of their first affected bill, informing them of the price increase relevant to their plan. Following receipt of this notice, customers may change or cancel their contract within 30 days, without penalty, by dialling 1907. Affected customers can continue on the new plan, exit their contracts, or move to another Vodafone plan.

New plan details

Retiring Plan Current Price Current Plan Contents New Plan Name New Price Difference New Plan Contents

Red 30 Day SIM Only 20GB


20GB data
Unlimited domestic calls and texts
Full access to plan when roaming across Europe
30 day rolling contract

Red Unlimited 30 Day



Unlimited data max speed 10mbps
Unlimited domestic calls and texts
Unlimited calls and texts to European mobiles & landlines
100 minutes and texts to other international countries
Full access to plan when roaming across Europe


CONTRACT CHANGE information notice: Removal of Vodafone legacy mobile plan – October 2021

On 4th of October 2021 the RED Plus SIMO plan will no longer be available. Customers on this plan will be moved to RED Start SIMO (as set out in the table below).  This change will take effect between 27th September and 4th October 2021 and will be reflected in customers’ bills issued following this date. From the date this subscription is moved, your mobile data allowance will increase from 5GB to 10GB and the price of this plan will be €25 per month. If you have a RED Protect subscription this will also cease. All other plan features will remain as is. If you have a RED Family discount associated with this subscription that discount will remain unaffected.


Vodafone will contact all affected customers by SMS a minimum of 30 days in advance of their first affected bill, informing them of the price increase relevant to their plan. Following receipt of this notice, customers may change or cancel their contract within 30 days, without penalty, by dialling 1907. Affected customers can continue on the new tariff, exit their contracts, or move to another Vodafone plan.

New plan details

Retiring Package Current Price New Package Name New Price Difference New Package Contents











10GB of data (max speed 10mbps),

Unlimited Vodafone to Vodafone calls,

60 minutes of calls to any network or landline,

Unlimited texts to any Irish mobile,

Full access to plan when roaming across Europe,

Capped 12 month SIMO plan

New plan terms and conditions: 

Please see our SIMO terms here



CONTRACT CHANGE information notice: Removal of Vodafone legacy mobile plan – July 2021

On 4th of August 2021 the Vodafone Red 30 Day will no longer be available. Customers on this plan will be moved to a Red Unlimited 30 Day (as set out in the table below).  This change will take effect between 21st July and 4th August 2021 and will be reflected in customers’ bills issued following this date.  

Vodafone will contact all affected customers by SMS a minimum of 30 days in advance of their first affected bill, informing them of the price increase relevant to their plan. Following receipt of this notice, customers may change or cancel their contract within 30 days, without penalty, by dialling 1907. Affected customers can continue on the new tariff, exit their contracts, or move to another Vodafone plan.

New plan details

Retiring Package Current Price New Package Name New Price Difference New Package Contents
Vodafone Red 30 Day €30.00 Red Unlimited 30 Day €35.00 €5.00 Unlimited data (max speed 10mbps),
Unlimited calls & texts to any Irish mobile or landline,
Unlimited calls & texts to any European mobiles and landlines plus 100 minutes & texts to other international countries,
Full access to plan when roaming across Europe

New plan terms and conditions: 

Please click here


CONTRACT CHANGE information notice: Price increase of legacy Vodafone Fixed rate plans - June 2021

At Vodafone Ireland we are constantly reviewing our products and services in line with market rates and needs.  From July 2021 prices for certain broadband packages will increase by €5 for a small number of legacy customers due to increased operational costs.   

Vodafone will contact all affected customers by SMS a minimum of 30 days in advance of their first affected bill, informing them of the price increase relevant to their plan. Following receipt of this notice, customers may change or cancel their contract within 30 days, without penalty, by dialling 1907. Affected customers can exit their contracts, or move to another Vodafone plan, if eligible.

Note: “The price change will be applied to bills issued on or after 14 July”.

Customers can review their current tariff by reviewing their monthly bill which is accessible in their MyVodafone account, hard copy of the bill or the digital bill.

More information on tariffs as per below:

Tariff plan name

Current Price

New Price

First 12 months of contract


First 12 months of contract


Home Essential





Home Essential





Home Unlimited





Home Unlimited





Simply Broadband





Simply Broadband





Simply Broadband





Simply Broadband SABB





Simply Broadband SABB





Simply Broadband SABB





Vodafone At Home Option 1 + Talk





Vodafone At Home Option 2 + Talk Anytime





Vodafone At Home Talk + Ideal Broadband





Vodafone At Home Talk + Value Broadband





Vodafone At Home Talk Anytime + Ideal Broadband





Vodafone At Home Talk Offpeak





Vodafone At Home Talk Offpeak + Value Broadband Affinity Offer





Vodafone At Home Talk Offpeak + Value Broadband Preferential Offer





Vodafone At Home Talk Offpeak + Value Broadband





Vodafone At Home Talk Anytime + Value Broadband Preferential Offer





Vodafone At Home Talk Anytime + Value Broadband Preferential Offer





Vodafone At Home Talk Anytime + Value Broadband





Vodafone At Home up to 7mb Anytime





Vodafone At Home up to 8mb Broadband Only





Vodafone At Home up to 3mb Broadband Only





Vodafone At Home Talk Offpeak + Value Pref (6 mths 1/2 price)





Vodafone At Home up to 7mb Anytime Postpay Offer





Vodafone Home





Vodafone Home Extra





Vodafone Home





Vodafone Home Pref





Vodafone Home Extra Pref





Vodafone Simply Broadband Max





Vodafone Home Max Pref





Vodafone Simply Talk Pref





Vodafone Simply Talk Pref





Vodafone Simply Talk





Vodafone Simply Talk





Vodafone Talk





Vodafone At Home Talk





Vodafone At Home Talk PSTN

Vodafone At Home Talk





VF At Home Talk Offpeak National

Vodafone Talk





Voice Home Essentials Offer





Voice Plan Talk Essential(12Mth)

Voice Home Essentials Offer





Voice Plan Vodafone Talk

Voice Home Essentials Offer





VoicePlan Talk Essential(18Mth)

Voice Legacy Offer





Vodafone At Home Line Rental

Voice Legacy Offer





Freedom Talk

Voice Legacy Offer





HomePhone Value

Voice Legacy Offer





Simply Talk

Voice Legacy Offer





Simply Talk

Voice Legacy Offer





Simply Talk National Line Rental

Voice Legacy Offer





VF At Home Talk Anytime - 3 UK nominated numbers

Voice Legacy Offer





VF At Home Talk Anytime

Voice Legacy Offer





VF At Home Talk Anytime National

Voice Legacy Offer





VF Freedom Anytime

Voice Legacy Offer





Vodafone At Home Talk 3Mb

Voice Legacy Offer





Vodafone At Home Talk PSTN

Voice Legacy Offer





Voice Plan Vodafone Talk

Voice Legacy Offer





VoicePlan Talk Unlimited(18Mth)

Broadband Legacy offer





Simply Broadband

Broadband Legacy offer





BB Plan Home Extra (Copper)

Broadband Legacy offer





BB Plan Simply Broadband





Broadband Legacy offer





BB Plan Unlimited Broadband Stand Alone

Broadband Legacy offer





Vodafone at Home up to 3 BB Only

Broadband Legacy offer





Vodafone At Home up to 7mb BB Only

Broadband Legacy offer





BB Plan Simply Broadband MAX

Broadband Legacy offer





Broadband Plan - Simply Broadband Copper(12Mth)

Broadband Legacy offer





Broadband Plan Simply Broadband(12Mth)

Broadband Legacy offer





Broadband Plan - Simply Broadband Copper(18Mth)

Broadband Legacy offer





Broadband Plan Simply Broadband(18Mth)

Simply Broadband  Basic





Simply Broadband  Basic

Simply Broadband  CGA





Broadband Plan Simply Broadband(18Mth)

Simply Broadband  CGA





Broadband Plan Simply Broadband(12Mth)

Simply Broadband  CGA





Simply Broadband

Broadband Simply Copper offer





Simply Broadband

Broadband Simply Copper offer





BB Plan Simply Broadband

Broadband Simply Copper offer





BB Plan Simply Broadband

Broadband Simply Copper offer





BB Plan Simply Broadband

Broadband Simply Copper offer





BB Plan Simply Broadband

Broadband Simply Copper offer





BB Plan Home

Broadband Simply Copper offer





BB Plan Simply Broadband 20GB

Broadband Simply Copper offer





Broadband Plan - Simply Broadband (copper)

Broadband Simply Copper offer





Broadband Plan - Simply Broadband Copper(12Mth)

Broadband Simply Copper offer





Broadband Plan Simply Broadband(12Mth)

Broadband Simply Copper offer





Broadband Plan Simply Broadband(12Mth)

Broadband Simply Copper offer





Broadband Plan Simply Broadband(18Mth)

Freedom Bundle





BB Plan - VF Freedom 3Mb for 1Mb

Simply Broadband Basic & Talk PSTN





Simply Broadband Basic & Talk PSTN





Simply Broadband Basic (V)





Vodafone At Home Talk bundle





VF At Home Ideal Broadband Legacy

Vodafone At Home Talk bundle





Vodafone at Home Value Broadband

Vodafone At Home Talk bundle





VF At Home Value Broadband Legacy

Vodafone At Home Talk bundle





BB Plan - Vodafone at Home Broadband 3Mb

Vodafone At Home Talk bundle





Vodafone at Home Broadband only 7Mb

Vodafone At Home Talk bundle





Vodafone at Home Broadband up to 3Mb

Vodafone At Home Talk bundle





Vodafone At Home Ideal Broadband

Vodafone At Home Talk bundle





Vodafone at Home Up to 3Mb

Vodafone At Home Talk bundle





Vodafone at Home Value Broadband

Vodafone At Home Talk bundle





Vodafone at Home Value Broadband

Vodafone At Home Talk bundle





Vodafone at Home Value Broadband

Vodafone At Home Talk bundle





Vodafone at Home Value Broadband

Vodafone At Home Talk bundle





Vodafone at Home Value Broadband

Vodafone At Home Talk bundle





Vodafone at Home Value Broadband

Vodafone At Home Talk bundle





Home Broadband

Vodafone At Home Talk bundle





Home Broadband

Vodafone At Home Talk bundle





Home Broadband

Vodafone At Home Talk bundle





BB Plan Home Extra

Vodafone At Home Talk bundle





BB Plan Home Extra

Vodafone At Home Talk bundle





BB Plan Home Extra

Vodafone At Home Talk bundle





BB Plan Unlimited Broadband Stand Alone

Vodafone At Home Talk bundle





BB Plan Unlimited Broadband Stand Alone

Vodafone At Home Talk bundle





Vodafone At Home Ideal Broadband

Vodafone At Home Talk bundle





Broadband Plan Simply Broadband(12Mth)

Vodafone At Home Talk bundle





Broadband Plan - Simply Broadband Copper(18Mth)

Vodafone Home bundle





Vodafone at Home Up to 7 staff

Vodafone Home PSTN bundle





BB Plan Home

Vodafone Home PSTN bundle





BB Plan Home

Vodafone Home PSTN bundle





BB Plan Home

Vodafone Home PSTN bundle





BB Plan Home

Vodafone Home PSTN bundle





BB Plan Simply Broadband

Vodafone Home PSTN bundle





BB Plan Simply Broadband

Vodafone Home PSTN bundle





BB Plan Simply Broadband

Vodafone Home PSTN bundle





BB Plan Simply Broadband

Vodafone Home PSTN bundle





BB Plan Simply Broadband

Vodafone Home PSTN bundle





Broadband Plan - Simply Broadband Copper(12Mth)

Vodafone Home PSTN bundle





Broadband Plan Simply Broadband(12Mth)

Vodafone Home PSTN bundle





Broadband Plan Simply Broadband(12Mth)

Vodafone Home PSTN bundle





Broadband Plan Simply Broadband(12Mth)

Vodafone Home PSTN bundle





Broadband Plan Simply Broadband(12Mth)

Vodafone Home PSTN bundle





Broadband Plan Simply Broadband(18Mth)

Vodafone Home PSTN bundle





Broadband Plan Simply Broadband(18Mth)

Vodafone Home PSTN bundle





Broadband Plan Simply Broadband(18Mth)

Vodafone Home PSTN bundle





Broadband Plan Simply Broadband(18Mth)

Vodafone Home PSTN bundle





Broadband Plan Simply Broadband(18Mth)

Vodafone Home PSTN bundle





Broadband Plan Simply Broadband(18Mth)

Vodafone Home PSTN bundle





Broadband Plan Simply Broadband(18Mth)


Notice of Service Retirement: Vodafone Text Alert Services - June 2021

Please note that from 9 July 2021, the Vodafone text alert services, which provided alert services from the short codes “51744” and “51745”, will retire and no longer be available. The services associated with these text alerts were horoscope updates, weekly lotto updates, sport news updates and jokes.

From the 9th July, customers will no longer be able to send messages to, or receive text messages from, the “51744” and “51745” short codes. If any Vodafone customer was subscribed to automatically receive these alerts on a recurring basis, they will have their subscription cancelled on the 9th July. 


Notice of changes: PAYG Out of Bundle ("OOB") Price Increase - June 2021

Why is Vodafone making these changes?

At Vodafone, we are constantly reviewing to align with the market. In order to simplify our portfolio we are increasing the Advantage Plus and Lifestyle rate charges on our pay as you go tariffs in line with the competitive landscape.

What are the Prices?

Previous Prices:


Advantage Plus Rate

Lifestyle Rate

Irish Mobiles and landlines



9c connection fee and then 35c per minute



9c connection fee and then 45c per minute on peak and 25c per minute off peak



15c per text


13c per text



€1.99 for 100MB daily allowance & 1c per MB after

€1.99 for 100MB daily allowance & 1c per MB after 100MB 

New Prices:


Advantage Plus Rate

Lifestyle Rate                                             

Irish Mobiles and landlines

9c connection fee 38c/min                                

9c connection fee

45c/min ​                                  


18c per text​

18c per text


€1.99 for 100MB daily allowance & 1c per MB after

€1.99 for 100MB daily allowance & 2c per MB after 100MB​                 


What are the differences between the charges?

Our Top Up offers are tariffs where you top up by a certain amount and receive set allowances for 28 days. Outside of these allowances you pay the Advantage Plus rates. Our Lifestyle Tariffs are older offers from Vodafone where you pay per rate charges on any calls, texts or data sessions.  For full details on all charges, click here (rate card)

When will this change happen?

The new charges will apply from 29/06/2021. From that date, any usage outside your top up offer or any Lifestyle rate usage will be charged at these new rates.

I am on a Top Up Offer, will this change effect my current plan?

This will have no impact on the price or allowances included in Top Up Offer. The only way you will be affected with this change is if you go out of your Top Up Offer allowances or if you do not activate your top up offer every 28 days.

I am on Lifestyle Rates, how do I get better value?

The Lifestyle rates are our older plans. If you switch to a Top Up offer you can get set allowances for calls texts and data when you top up by a set amount every 28 days.  For a full list of all available Top Up Offers and details on how to switch please visit (


Notice of changes: BBC HD Channels now provided as standard to all Vodafone TV customers - December 2020

From December 8 2020, Vodafone will remove the BBC HD Bonus pack and reinstall HD as standard to for all customers. This means that 6 BBC channels will be provided to all Vodafone TV customers in HD at no extra cost. The HD channels will be moved into the channel slots previously occupied by their SD counterparts, as follows :

BBC HD Add On TV Menu/EPG Slot
BBC One HD 140
BBC Two HD 141
BBC Four HD 142
BBC News HD 210

The SD versions of these 6 channels will be discontinued no longer be available on Vodafone TV.


Notice of changes: Removal of Disney Channels from Vodafone TV – October 2020

Service Announcement: Terrestrial channels Disney Channel, Disney XD and Disney Junior will no longer be available Irish TV from 1 October 2020. As a consequence, Vodafone TV will cease broadcasting these channels from 1 October 2020.

Vodafone will contact all affected customers by SMS informing them of the above change.

This is a change to the Vodafone TV Service, made pursuant to Clause 9 of the Vodafone TV Services Terms & Condition, and it does not otherwise constitute a change to the terms and conditions of your contract. For full terms, see


CONTRACT CHANGE information notice: Removal of Vodafone legacy mobile and mobile broadband plans - August 2020

Due to a system change, from September 10th and 24th, 2020  selected Vodafone legacy mobile and mobile broadband plans will no longer be available. Customers on these plans will be moved to a different tariff (as set out in the table below).  These changes will take effect on 10th and 24th of September 2020 and will be reflected in customers’ bills issued following these dates.  

Vodafone will contact all affected customers by SMS a minimum of 30 days in advance of their first affected bill, informing them of the price increase relevant to their plan. Following receipt of this notice, customers may change or cancel their contract within 30 days, without penalty, by dialling 1907. Affected customers can continue on the new tariff, exit their contracts, or move to another Vodafone plan.

Bill pay and Mobile Broadband

New plan terms and conditions


Notice of changes: Removal of Vodafone legacy mobile and mobile broadband add-ons. Service announcement - August 2020

Due to a system change, from September 10th and 24th, 2020  selected Vodafone legacy mobile and mobile broadband add-ons will no longer be available. These add-ons (as set out in the table below) will be removed from customers, with these changes taking effect on 10th and 24th of September 2020 and will be reflected in customers’ bills issued following these dates.

Vodafone will contact all affected customers by SMS a minimum of 30 days in advance of their first affected bill, informing them of the add-on removal. Affected customers can available purchase add-ons here:


Retiring Package
BlackBerry Friends and Family 1GB
VTP Monthly Data Add On Bundle
1GB Smartphone Data Bundle
50 International Texts
VGE Tariff 1
400 Text Add On
Email Data Roaming Add On
1000 Anytime, Any Network Minutes
3GB Mobile Internet
100 Worldwide Minutes
Euroconex ePos 3Mb Add On
500 Worldwide Minutes
500Mb Data Add On
250Mb Data Add On
2GB Shared Data Bundle
1Gb Data Add On
DR Telemetry Bundle
CSL data roaming bundle
Talk 300 Add On
VF to VF Calls Add-On
Free Fixed 5000
Windows Mobile Email
Wireless Office Solo Plus
1000 Anytime, Any Network Texts
10GB of data to share between all users
25MB M2M Bundle
IE/EU28 Tier 4 (2GB to 5GB)
M2M 50MB Bundle
5MB Telemetry bundle
Vodafone Mobile Exchange Secure 1GB
Voice ROW (Outside of IE/EU28)
IE/EU28 Tier 2 (1MB to 1GB)
USA/CAN Tier 1 (10MB to 200MB)
Fixed 100 Add-On
Call a Friend For Free
WW Monthly Data Roaming Add On
3Mb Data Add On
Wireless Office Control Unlimited   International
15 Int. Minutes Add On
25Mb Windows Mobile Email from Vodafone   Add On
Fixed 200 Add-On
OneNet XP Off Net Calls

Notice of changes: Name change of Vodafone mobile and mobile broadband add-ons. Service announcement  - August 2020

Due to a system change, from September 10th and 24th, 2020  selected Vodafone mobile and mobile broadband add-ons will change name. These add-ons (as set out in the table below) will be remain on customer accounts with a new name. There is no change to customers' add on allowance or monthly cost. This change will take effect on 10th and 24th of September 2020 and will be reflected in customers’ bills issued following these dates.  

Vodafone will contact all affected customers by SMS a minimum of 30 days in advance of their first affected bill, informing them of the add-on name change. Affected customers can continue with their existing add-on. 


Retiring Package New package name
10GB Loyalty Data 10GB Data
10GB Value Data 10GB Data

CONTRACT CHANGE information notice: Vodafone X Weekend top up offer changing to Vodafone X from 6th of June 2020

From the 6th of June 2020, Vodafone X Weekend top up offer (which included 30GB of data, unlimited texts, 100 any network minutes and unlimited weekend calls and data) will change to Vodafone X. Vodafone X provides you with unlimited data, at a max speed of 10Mbps, unlimited texts, 100 any network minutes with unlimited weekend calls for 28 days, every time you top up by €20 or more in one go. Unlimited weekend calls from 3pm Fridays until 11.59pm Sundays. This change will take effect from your next top up by €20 or more in one go after 6 June. There is no change in the price of the plan which is €20 every 4 weeks. You may withdraw from your prepay contract without penalty at any time by contacting our Live Chat agents through clicking here. Vodafone will send affected customers a confirmation message once the change has been applied. Customers can find out more information on the Vodafone X Top Up Offer by visiting Vodafone X terms can be viewed here:



Removal of requirement to provide employer details in application forms

April 2020

Vodafone has been made aware by the Data Protection Commission of some complaints from customers regarding the collection of employer names and employer phone numbers in the course of a sale.

The collection of this personal information was done in error, as it was not required to provide the service to our consumer customers. The collection of this personal information was not referred to in our Privacy Statement and while this information was stored by Vodafone, it was not otherwise processed for any purpose.

We have updated our customer application forms to ensure that this information is no longer requested and all such information collected to date has been deleted. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

Should you have any queries in relation to this matter, you can contact us at


CONTRACT CHANGE information notice: Removal of Vodafone legacy mobile broadband plans August 2019.

Due to a system change, from 22 August 2019, a number of Vodafone legacy mobile broadband plans (as set out in the table below) will no longer be available and customers on these plans will be moved to the Red Plus MBB tariff. These changes will take effect from your next Vodafone bill issued after the 22 August 2019.
Vodafone will contact all affected customers by SMS or email at least one month in advance of their first affected bill, informing them of the change to their relevant plan allowance and price.

Following receipt of this notice, if you do not accept these changes you have the right to change or cancel your contract without penalty within the next 30 days, by dialling 1907. Affected customers can continue on the Red Plus MBB plan, exit their contracts, or move to another Vodafone plan. For full information on our Red Plus MBB Plan see


Mobile broadband

Retiring Package Code Retiring Package Current price New package name New price Increase
Red Plus MBB 22 22.00
Red Plus MBB 22 17.01
Red Plus MBB 22 14.01
Red Plus MBB 22 12.00
Red Plus MBB 22 10.83
Red Plus MBB 22 9.70
Red Plus MBB 22 7.01
Red Plus MBB 22 6.83
Red Plus MBB 22 6.63
Red Plus MBB 22 6.63
Red Plus MBB 22 6.01
Red Plus MBB 22 5.01
VOICE TARIFF (4G CAPABLE) 21.99 Red Plus MBB 22 0.01

CONTRACT CHANGE information notice: Removal of Vodafone legacy mobile bill pay plans August 2019.

Due to a system change, from 22 August 2019, a number of Vodafone legacy mobile bill pay plans (as set out in the table below) will no longer be available and customers on these plans will be moved to the Red 30 day tariff. These changes will take effect from your next Vodafone bill issued after 22 August 2019.

Vodafone will contact all affected customers by SMS at least one month in advance of their first affected bill, informing them of the change to their relevant plan allowance and price.
Following receipt of this notice, if you do not accept these changes you have the right to change or cancel your contract without penalty within the next 30 days, by dialling 1907. Affected customers can continue on the Red 30 day plan, exit their contracts, or move to another Vodafone plan. For full information on our Red 30 Day Plan see


Retiring Package Code Retiring Package Current price New package name New price Increase
DCC01 DATA ONLY SIM 6.15 Red 30 day 30 23.85
LGOA1 MY WAY 30 DAYS 10.00 Red 30 day 30 20.00
LGOC1 MY WAY PLUS 30 DAYS 14.99 Red 30 day 30 15.01
BX044 VOICE TARIFF (4G CAPABLE) 18.39 Red 30 day 30 11.61
BW956 WIRELESS OFFICE DA 19.62 Red 30 day 30 10.38
LGOA2 MY WAY 12 MONTHS 20.00 Red 30 day 30 10.00
VSO30 VODAFONE SIMPLY 100 20.33 Red 30 day 30 9.67
BX043 VOICE TARIFF (4G CAPABLE) 22.08 Red 30 day 30 7.92
BX042 VOICE TARIFF (4G CAPABLE) 23.68 Red 30 day 30 6.32
HR002 PERFECT FIT 100 29.48 Red 30 day 30 0.52
LGOC4 MY WAY PLUS 24 MONTHS 30.00 Red 30 day 30 0.00

Notice of changes: Vodafone legacy fixed plans price increase - contract change notification - April 2018.

From April 1, 2018 prices of Vodafone legacy fixed plans (as set out in Table 1 below) will increase by €7 and will be reflected in customers’ bills from April 1, 2018. These price increases are as a result of the increased costs of providing the service to customers.

Vodafone will contact all affected customers by letter or email a minimum of 30 days in advance of their first affected bill, informing them of the price increase relevant to their plan. Following receipt of this notice, customers may change or cancel their contract within 30 days, without penalty, by dialling 1907. Affected customers can continue on their existing legacy plan, exit their contracts, or move to another Vodafone plan.

Table 1



 Current Price 

 New Price 


12MB Business Broadband Bundle




3MB Business Broadband Bundle




7MB Business Broadband Bundle




8MB Business Broadband Bundle




Advanced Business Broadband




Advanced Business Broadband




Advanced+ Business Broadband




CallSaver 1 (CPS)




CallSaver 2 (CPS)




CallSaver 3 (CPS)




CPS Only




Essential Business Broadband




Essential+ Business Broadband




Office Fibre Broadband




Office Unlimited Broadband




Office Unlimited Fibre Broadband




Standard Broadband - Up to 24mb - 12mth




Standard Broadband - Up to 24mb - 18mth




Standard Fibre Broadband - 12mth




Vodafone Broadband 8Mb (BT)




Vodafone Broadband 8Mb (BT) - LLU




Vodafone Calls Only (BT)




Vodafone Office Broadband up to 3Mb




Vodafone Office Control




Vodafone Office Control (Up to 24MB)




Vodafone Office Control (Up to 24MB)




Vodafone Office Control SME Up to 24Mb (18 month)




Vodafone Office Control Up to 24mb (12 month)




Vodafone Office Control Up to 24mb (18 month)




Vodafone Office Control Up to 24mb  (24 month)




Vodafone Office Control Voice Only




Vodafone Office Control Voice Only (12 month)




Vodafone Office Control Voice Only (18 month)




Vodafone Office Essential Broadband




Vodafone Office Fibre Broadband




Vodafone Office Phone




Vodafone Office Phone + Essential Broadband




Vodafone Office up to 3Mb




Vodafone Office up to  3 Mb




Vodafone Office Value




Vodafone Office Value (12 Month) - Fibre Broadband




Vodafone Office Value (18 Month) Fibre Broadband




Vodafone Office Value (Up to 24MB)




Vodafone Office Value (Voice)




Vodafone Office Value Broadband




Vodafone Office Value Broadband




Vodafone Office Value Plus




Vodafone Office Voice




Vodafone Office Voice Bundle: 100 UK Landline mins




Vodafone Office Voice Bundle: 100 VF Mobile mins & 60 Other Mobile mins




Vodafone Office Voice Bundle: 100 VF Mobile mins




Vodafone Office Voice Bundle: 500 VF Mobile mins




Vodafone Office Voice Bundle: 60 Other Mobile mins





Vodafone Home contract change notification – December 2017

We recently contacted you to inform you we will be implementing a price increase to some of our older Vodafone Home plans. Prices will increase by €5 - €10 and will be reflected in your December bill. This price increases are as a result of the increased operational costs.

Following receipt of this notice, you may change or cancel your contract within 30 days, without penalty, by dialling 1907. You may also continue on your existing, newly priced plan, exit your contract, or upgrade to one of our other Vodafone Home plans.

To see how these increases affect you, please see the details of each plan affected in the table below. Note, this shows ongoing prices (after any introductory offer).




Simply Talk

€30 per month

€40 per month

Vodafone Talk

€35 per month

€40 per month

Simply Broadband

€38 per month

€45 per month

Vodafone Home

€40 per month

€45 per month

Home Essentials

€45 per month

€50 per month

Home Extra

€52.50 per month

€57.50 per month

Home Unlimited

€55 per month

€60 per month


Notice of changes: Vodafone Office price increase - contract change notification

From the 14th December 2017 we will be implementing price increases to our Vodafone Office plans. Prices will increase by €2-€5 and will be reflected in customers’ December bills from Dec 14th. These price increases are as a result of the increased costs of providing the service to customers.

We will contact all affected customers by letter or email 30 days in advance of their first affected bill, informing them of the price increase relevant to their plan. Following receipt of this notice, customers may change or cancel their contract within 30 days, without penalty, by dialling 1907. Affected customers can continue on their existing, newly priced plans, exit their contracts, or move to one of our new plans offering unlimited fibre broadband with or without calls.



 Current Price 

 New Price 


 Office Essential voice (18 & 24 month)




 Office Unlimited voice (18 & 24 month)




 Vodafone Office Essentials (18 month)




 Vodafone Office Essentials (24 month)




 Vodafone Office Professional (18 month)




 Vodafone Office Professional (24 month)




 Vodafone Office Unlimited (18 month)




 Vodafone Office Unlimited (24 month)




 Simply Broadband for Business (18 month)




 Simply Broadband for Business (24 month) 





Prepaid service/contract change for customers on Social Life – effective on 23rd October 2017

Social Life: Out of bundle rates for calls to Vodafone mobiles, Irish landline and other Irish mobile in peak time will decrease by 6c in peak time.  Out of bundle rates for calls to Irish landline and other Irish mobile in off peak time will decrease by 4c. Out of bundle rates for calls to Vodafone mobile in off peak time will increase by 6c. A call set up fee of 9c will apply to all calls. As a result of these changes, you can cancel your PAYG service within 30 days, without penalty, by dialling 1747


Social Life rates effective on 23th October 2017:


Call set up fee

Peak (Mon 8am to Fri 6pm)

Off peak (all other times)

Vodafone mobiles




To Irish Landlines




To other Irish mobiles













€1.99 for 100MB allowance - 1c per MB after 100MB.



Pay as you go legacy top up offers changes from 23rd October 2017

As of the 23rd October 2017 legacy top up offers that applied for 30 days will apply for 4 weeks subject to a minimum top up, as following:


Offer details


Unlimited Vodafone text + Keep €10 credit every 28 days


Unlimited any network texts + 250mb data + Keep €20 top up every 28 days


Unlimited Vodafone calls + texts + 250mb data + Keep €20 top up every 28 days


Unlimited any network texts + 500mb data + 100 International minutes + Keep €30 top up every 28 days


Unlimited Vodafone calls + texts + 500mb data + 100 International minutes + Keep €30 top up every 28 days


Unlimited any network texts + 15GB data + Keep €20 top up every 28 days


Unlimited any network Calls + Unlimited Vodafone Texts + Keep €10 top up every 28 days



Also, as of the 23rd October 2017 the following top up offers will no longer be available.

Top up amount

Offer details


Vodafone free weekends  


Unlimited 10C VF-VF Calls (Mon 8am - Fri 6pm)

unlimited x-net SMS


Double Your Topup


Summer offer

Unlimited VF-VF Calls+ Unlimited VF-VF Texts+1GB Live! Data + 100 International mins


Accumulated top up rewards

Top up €50/month get €20 credit back,

Top up €30/month get €15 credit back,

Top up €10/month get €10 credit back


Notice of changes: Vodafone Office Control price changes - contract change notification

From the 1st August 2017 we will be implementing price increases to our Vodafone Office Control plans. Prices will increase by €5 and will be reflected in customers’ August bills. These price increases are as a result of the increased costs of providing the service to customers.

We will contact all affected customers by letter or email before the 1st July 2017, informing them of the price increase relevant to their plan. Following receipt of this notice, customers may change or cancel their contract within 30 days, without penalty, by dialling 1907.

Plan Current Price New Price Increase
Vodafone Office Control - PSTN Two €74.99 €79.99 €5
Vodafone Office Control - PSTN Three €99.99 €104.99 €5
Vodafone Office Control Voice ISDN €59.99 €64.99 €5

Prepaid service/contract change for customers on Advantage or Work and Leisure tariff plan – effective on 2nd June 2017

Advantage: Out of bundle rates for calls to other Irish mobile in peak time will decrease by 1c and will decrease by 21c in off peak time. Out of bundle rates for calls to Vodafone mobile and Irish landline in peak time will increase by 20c. As a result of these changes, you can cancel your PAYG service within 30 days, without penalty, by dialling 1747

Advantage rates effective on 2nd June 2017:

National Call set up fee Peak (Mon 8am to Fri 6pm) Offpeak (all other times)
Vodafone mobiles 9c 45c 25c
To Irish Landlines 9c 45c 25c
To other Irish mobiles 9c 45c 25c
Texts   13c 13c
Voicemail   Free Free
Data €1.99 for 100MB allowance - 1c per MB after 100MB.

Work and Leisure: Out of bundle rates for calls to Irish landline in peak time will decrease by 1c. Out of bundle rates for calls to Vodafone mobile in peak time will increase by 12c. Out of bundle rates for call within Ireland will increase by 6c in off peak time. A call set up fee of 9c will apply to all calls. As a result of these changes, you can cancel your PAYG service within 30 days, without penalty, by dialling 1747

Work and Leisure rates effective on 2nd June 2017:

National Call set up fee Peak (Mon 8am to Fri 6pm) Offpeak (all other times)
Vodafone mobiles 9c 45c 25c
To Irish Landlines 9c 45c 25c
To other Irish mobiles 9c 45c 25c
Texts   13c 13c
Voicemail   Free Free
Data €1.99 for 100MB allowance - 1c per MB after 100MB.

Vodafone Office price changes - contract change notification December 2016

Notice of changes: Vodafone Office price changes - contract change notification

From the 1st December 2016 we will be implementing price increases to our Vodafone Office plans. Prices will increase by €2-€5 and will be reflected in customers’ December bills. These price increases are as a result of the increased costs of providing the service to customers.

We will contact all affected customers by letter or email before the 1st November 2016, informing them of the price increase relevant to their plan. Following receipt of this notice, customers may change or cancel their contract within 30 days, without penalty, by dialling 1907. Affected customers can continue on their existing, newly priced plans, exit their contracts, or move to one of our new plans offering unlimited fibre broadband with or without calls.

Customers who signed up to Vodafone Office price plans between May 1st 2016 and November 31st 2016 will not be affected by these price changes.

Existing customers on legacy plans who sign up to new Vodafone Office plans before the 1st of December 2016 will not be impacted by the price changes.


 Current price 

 New price 


 Office Essential Voice (18 and 24 month)




 Office Unlimited Voice (18 and 24 month)




 Vodafone Office Essentials (18 month)




 Vodafone Office Essentials (24 month)




 Vodafone Office Professional (18 month)




 Vodafone Office Professional (24 month)




 Vodafone Office Unlimited (18 month)




 Vodafone Office Unlimited (24 month)




 Simply Broadband for Business (18 month)




 Simply Broadband for Business (24 month) 






Vodafone Home price changes - contract change notification November 2016

Notice of changes: Vodafone Home price changes - Contract change notification

From the 1st November 2016 we will be implementing price increases to our older Vodafone Home plans. Prices will increase by €5-€7 and will be reflected in customers’ November bills. These price increases are as a result of the increased costs of providing the service to customers.

We will contact all affected customers by letter or email before the 13th October 2016, informing them of the price increase relevant to their plan. Following receipt of this notice, customers may change or cancel their contract within 30 days, without penalty, by dialling 1907

Affected customers can continue on their existing, newly priced plans, exit their contracts, or move to one of our new plans offering unlimited fibre broadband with or without calls.

Customers who signed up to Vodafone Home price plans between May 1st 2016 and November 1st 2016 will not be affected by these price changes.

Customers on legacy plans who sign up to new Vodafone Home plans before the 1st of November 2016 will not be impacted by the price changes.

Customers who are on TV price plans or Lightspeed Broadband price plans will be excluded from any price changes.

Plan Talk Only Simply Broadband Home Essentials Home Unlimited
 Price  €40  €45  €50  €60
 Speed  N/A  100Mbps  100Mbps  100Mbps
 Usage  N/A  Unlimited  Unlimited  Unlimited
Calls  Bundled minutes       
 Irl landlines  Unlimited  0  Unlimited  Unlimited
 Irl mobiles  0  0  0  Unlimited

Lightspeed 150Mbps

Plan Simply Broadband Home Essentials Home Unlimited
 Price  €45  €50  €60
 Speed  150Mbps  150Mbps  150Mbps
 Usage  Unlimited  Unlimited  Unlimited
 Irl landlines  0  Unlimited  Unlimited
 Irl mobiles  0  0  Unlimited


Vodafone Mobile Discount- effective 1st September 2016

Contract change notification Vodafone Mobile Discount- effective 1st September 2016

The Vodafone Home services discount that was issued to Vodafone Bill Pay and Vodafone Pay As You Go mobile customers is ending. These changes will come into effect on 1 September 2016 and will be reflected in any bills issued after that date. As a result of this change, you may change or cancel your contract without penalty within 30 days and prior to 1 September, by dialling 1907. The continued use of services after the effective date is considered acceptance of this change.


Vodafone Home broadband services - effective 1st August 2016

Contract change notification - Vodafone Home broadband services - effective 1st August 2016


Due to increased operational costs your monthly payment for your broadband plan will increase from 1 August 2016. The price increases are:

·         €15 to €40 for Simply Broadband Max

·         €18 to €40 for Simply Broadband Max

·         €30 to €40 for Simply Broadband

·         €30 to €40 for Vodafone Unlimited Broadband

·         €30.89 to €40 for Vodafone Broadband

·         €34.99 to €40 for Simply Broadband

·         €35 to €40 for Simply Broadband

·         €35 to €40 for Vodafone Broadband

·         €36.99 to €40 for Max Value Broadband

In addition, we have updated some of the terms and conditions associated with your broadband plan, which terms will update and replace your existing terms. These updated terms can be found here.

These changes will come into effect on 1 August 2016 and will be reflected in any bills issued after that date.

As a result of these changes, you may change or cancel your contract without penalty within 30 days and prior to 1 August, by dialling 1907.



Pay as you go top up offers and add ons changes from 27th July 2016

Notice of changes to pay as you go top up offers and add ons

As of the 27th July 2016 Data Extra and Extra top up offers that applied for 30 days will apply for 4 weeks subject to a minimum top up. Also as of the 27th July 2016 talk, text and data add on’s that applied for 30 days will apply for 4 weeks subject to a minimum top up and include the following:

Talk Unlimited calls €20
Text Unlimited texts €15
Data 3GB of 4G Data €15
Data 500MB Data €5
Calls 30 minutes to Irish mobiles or landlines €5
Text 100 texts to any network €5
International 30 international minutes €5


Vodafone Home plan changes from June 2016

Notice of change to the following Vodafone Home plans

From 26 June 2016, the below plans will no longer be available. After this customers on the below legacy plans will be placed onto the corresponding New Plan. Details of the New Plan price plan can be found here. You will already have received a contract change notification confirming your right to withdraw from your contract until 26 June 2016.

 Customer Legacy Plan

 New Plan

 1MB Broadband Solo

 Simply Broadband

 3MB for the Price of 1MB bundle

 Home Essentials

 Always On Broadband 1MB

 Simply Broadband


 Simply Broadband

 Broadband Plus Up to 3MB

 Simply Broadband

 Freedom 1MB BB

 Simply Broadband

 Freedom Bundle

 Home Essentials

 Freedom Bundle 1MB -- Mobile 2010

 Home Essentials

 Freedom Bundle 1MB -- Mobile 2010 (30 mins) BB Eli

 Home Essentials

 Freedom Bundle 1MB (Standard)

 Home Essentials

 Freedom Bundle Up to 3MB

 Home Essentials

 Freedom Bundle Up to 3MB -- Mobile 2010

 Home Essentials

 Freedom Bundle Up to 3MB -- Mobile 2010 (30 mins)

 Home Unlimited

 Freedom Bundle Up to 3MB (Standard)

 Home Essentials

 Freedom Plus Up to 3MB BB

 Simply Broadband

 Freedom Talk (PSTN)

 Home Essentials

 FreeTalk Anytime (BRA)

 Vodafone Talk

 FreeTalk Anytime (HSPD)

 Vodafone Talk

 FreeTalk Anytime (HSPD)

 Vodafone Talk

 FreeTalk Evening and Weekends WLR

 Vodafone Talk

 Group Scheme Rate (WLR)

 Vodafone Talk

 HomePhone (CPS)

 Home Essentials

 HomePhone (CPS)

 Vodafone Talk

 Homephone Value

 Vodafone Talk

 Pay as you use Broadband 1Mb

 Simply Broadband

 Residential Broadband

 Simply Broadband

 Vodafone At Home Broadband up to 3Mb

 Simply Broadband

 Vodafone At Home Ideal Broadband

 Simply Broadband

 Vodafone At Home Line Rental Only

 Vodafone Talk

 Vodafone At Home Option 1 + Talk

 Home Essentials

 Vodafone At Home Option 1 + Talk Anytime

 Home Essentials with unlimited anytime calls to international landlines add-on.

 Vodafone At Home Option 1 Broadband Only

 Simply Broadband

 Vodafone At Home Option 2 + Talk

 Home Essentials

 Vodafone At Home Option 2 + Talk Anytime

 Home Essentials with unlimited anytime calls to international landlines add-on.

 Vodafone At Home Option 2 + Talk Offpeak

 Home Essentials

 Vodafone At Home Option 2 Broadband Only

 Simply Broadband

 Vodafone At Home Option 3 + Talk

 Home Essentials

 Vodafone At Home Option 3 + Talk Anytime

 Home Essentials with unlimited anytime calls to international landlines add-on.

 Vodafone At Home Option 3 Broadband Only

 Simply Broadband

 Vodafone At Home Talk

 Vodafone Talk

 Vodafone At Home Talk + Ideal Broadband

 Home Essentials

 Vodafone At Home Talk + Ultimate Broadband

 Home Essentials

 Vodafone At Home Talk + Value Broadband

 Home Essentials

 Vodafone At Home Talk Anytime + Ultimate Broadband

 Home Essentials with unlimited anytime calls to international landlines add-on.

 Vodafone At Home Talk Anytime + Ultimate Pref (6 months)

 Home Essentials

 Vodafone At Home Talk Anytime Extra

 Vodafone Talk

 Vodafone At Home Talk Off-Peak

 Vodafone Talk

 Vodafone At Home Talk Offpeak + Ideal Broadband

 Home Essentials

 Vodafone At Home Talk Offpeak + Ideal Broadband Pr

 Home Essentials

 Vodafone At Home Talk Offpeak + Ultimate Broadband

 Home Essentials with unlimited anytime calls to international landlines add-on.

 Vodafone At Home Talk Offpeak + Ultimate Pref (6 months)

 Home Essentials

 Vodafone At Home Talk Offpeak + Value Broadband Af

 Home Essentials

 Vodafone At Home Talk Offpeak + Value Broadband Pr

 Home Essentials

 Vodafone At Home Talk Offpeak Extra

 Vodafone Talk

 Vodafone At Home up to 24mb Anytime

 Home Essentials

 Vodafone At Home up to 3Mb

 Home Essentials

 Vodafone At Home up to 3Mb (Online)

 Home Essentials

 Vodafone At Home up to 3mb Anytime

 Home Essentials

 Vodafone At Home up to 3mb Anytime (1MB)

 Home Essentials

 Vodafone At Home up to 3mb BB & LineRental

 Home Essentials

 Vodafone At Home up to 3mb Broadband Only

 Simply Broadband

 Vodafone At Home up to 3mb Off-Peak

 Home Essentials

 Vodafone At Home up to 3mb Off-Peak (1MB)

 Home Essentials

 Vodafone At Home up to 7Mb (Partner Offer)

 Home Essentials

 Vodafone At Home up to 7mb + Talk

 Home Essentials

 Vodafone At Home up to 7mb + Talk Anytime

 Home Essentials

 Vodafone At Home up to 7mb + Talk Offpeak

 Home Essentials

 Vodafone At Home up to 7mb Anytime

 Home Essentials

 Vodafone At Home up to 7mb Broadband Only

 Simply Broadband

 Vodafone At Home up to 7mb Off-Peak

 Home Essentials

 Vodafone At Home up to 8Mb

 Home Essentials

 Vodafone At Home up to 8mb + Talk

 Home Essentials

 Vodafone At Home up to 8mb + Talk Anytime

 Home Essentials with unlimited anytime calls to international landlines add-on.

 Vodafone At Home up to 8mb + Talk Offpeak

 Home Essentials

 Vodafone At Home up to 8mb Broadband Only

 Home Essentials

 Vodafone At Home up to 8mb Broadband Only

 Simply Broadband

 Vodafone At Home Voice

 Vodafone Talk

 Vodafone Broadband & Calls - Fibre (18 Month)

 Home Essentials

 Vodafone Broadband & Calls (18 Month)

 Home Essentials

 Vodafone Talk

 Vodafone Talk

 Vodafone Talk (18 Month)

 Vodafone Talk

 Vodafone Unlimited Broadband & Calls - Fibre (18 Months)

 Home Unlimited

 Vodafone Unlimited Broadband & Calls (18 Month)

 Home Unlimited



EU Roaming Regulation April 2016

EU Roaming Regulation 2016

As of 26th April 2016, new EU Roaming Regulation 2016 will apply to customers who use our standard default roaming rates in Europe. 

Customers will no longer pay a flat rate for voice, text and data but will pay their home rate (domestic) or use their home (domestic) allowance plus a roaming surcharge. 

The total of the domestic rate plus roaming surcharge will be capped at current regulated rates. 

If the domestic rate is greater than the cap, the surcharge will not be added and you will pay the domestic rate only.

EU Regulated Roaming rates from 26th April

  Rate Cap
Making a call Domestic + 5c/min 19c
Receiving a call 1c/min  
Sending a text Domestic + 2c/text 6c
Data Domestic + 5c/MB 20c

In addition to these changes, Vodafone Passport for voice calls will no longer be available to customers.

For more information on Vodafone RED Roaming here and business customers here

Rates exclude VAT



Customers who have purchased online in the last 12 months August 2015

Important notice for Customers who have purchased goods or services online from Vodafone in the past twelve months - 6th August 2015

Vodafone would like to notify customers who have completed an online order for a Vodafone product or service in the past 12 months that under Regulation 16 (2) of the European Union (Consumer Information, Cancellation and Other Rights) Regulations 2013 (the ‘Consumer Information Regulations’) your cooling off period expires 14 days from the date of this notice. Please note, the date to avail of this has now expired.


Vodafone Home price changes 1st April 2015

Notice of changes: Vodafone Home price changes

Contract change notification

From the 1st April 2015 we will be implementing price increases to our older Vodafone Home plans. Prices will increase between €3 & €5 and will be reflected in customers’ April bills. These price increases are as a result of the increased costs of providing the service to customers.

We will contact all affected customers by letter or email before the 13th March 2015, informing them of the price increase relevant to their plan. Following receipt of this notice, customers may change or cancel their contract within 30 days, without penalty, by dialling 1907

Affected customers can continue on their existing, newly priced plans, exit their contracts, or move to one of our new plans offering unlimited fibre broadband with or without calls.

Customers who signed up to Vodafone Home price plans between July 4th 2014 and March 1st 2015 will not be affected by these price changes.

Customers on legacy plans who sign up to new Vodafone Home plans before the 1st of March 2015 will not be impacted by the price changes.

Customers who are on legacy Perlico and BT price plans will also be excluded from any price changes


Changes to direct debit dates March 2015

Changes to direct debit dates

The notice below applies to all bill pay mobile customers who pay by direct debit regarding a change in your direct debit payment terms.

  • Mobile customers

    From March 2015, the notice period for direct debit payments will change from 21 days to 14 days after your billing date, in line with industry standards. The direct debit date is clearly stated on all bills and no action is required as the payment will automatically be taken from your paying account.

    Important: Bills for March 2015 will be due for payment one week earlier.
  • Fixed customers

    From March 2015, the invoice date on the bill will change from 5th of the month to the 8th. There is no impact on the customer’s direct debit payment date.

    Important: Bills for March 2015 will be due for payment as normal on 22nd March 2015.
  • For more information, please see our support FAQ’s or contact our Customer Care Team on 1907. This change does not impact the terms and conditions of your Vodafone contract.


Vodafone Home Simply Broadband & Unlimited Broadband changes August 2015

Notice of change to Vodafone Home Simply Broadband & Unlimited Broadband products August 2015

The notice below only applies to Vodafone Home Simply Broadband & Unlimited Broadband customers who are being contacted by Vodafone about a change in their product.

The service will no longer support existing PSTN/traditional voice line dependent services such as, but not limited to;

1. Landline, and in particular calls to the Emergency Services

2. Monitored alarm or panic/assistance button/service

3. Fax Line

4. TV Service using phone line

5. Older TV set top boxes

6. Any service that relies on the use of a traditional phone line

FAQs are included below for reference however customers should contact Vodafone for further details.

Will customers TV service be impacted?

Yes, if your interactive TV service works via your landline, your TV service will be impacted. Services such as ordering box office movies, multi-room, Sky gambling, games etc. will no longer be able to be ordered via the set top box. However, your normal TV service will continue to work

Will customers monitored alarm / panic assistance button be impacted?

These services will no longer work if they work through the customer’s landline. It is advisable that customers contact their service provider.

Will customers still be able to receive landline calls?

Customers will no longer be able to receive landline calls after the 30 day notice period.

Can customers make an emergency call?

No, customers will no longer be able to make emergency calls

Will customer’s broadband service be impacted?

There will be no impact to customer’s broadband service.

Is there any change to the customer monthly rental fee?

There will be no change to customer’s monthly fee



Pay as you go data price changes January 2015

Pay as you go data pricing change - effective 15th January 2015

Effective 15th January 2015 the daily charge for out of bundle data usage will be as follows for all pay as you go mobile customers:

New daily charges effective 15th Jan 2015 - €1.99 for 100MB, €1 per MB thereafter

Existing daily charges pre 15th Jan 2015 - €0.99 for 50MB, €1 per MB thereafter

These changes do not affect any data allowances included in existing top up offers, RED bundle or standalone data add ons.

If you wish to exercise your right to cancel your pay as you go service please contact us on 1747.

Find out more about our great value Vodafone top up offers and bundles with data included



EU regulated roaming rates 2014

EU Regulated Roaming rates 2014

From July 1st there will be a reduction in the Regulated Roaming rates across the EU. The new roaming rates are 19c ex. VAT per minute for making a call back to Ireland or anywhere in the EU and 5c ex. VAT per minute for receiving a call. An SMS sent from any EU country will cost 6c ex. VAT. Internet (data) pricing will be charged at 20c per MB.

What does it mean for Vodafone customers?

All Vodafone customers who are currently on our default Vodafone World rates will automatically avail of the new EU rates from July 1st 2014. Customers who are opted into a Roaming plan such as RED Roaming or Vodafone Passport must opt out of their current plan in order to avail of default Vodafone World rates. Customers are not required to register or contact Customer Care.

Do I have to select certain networks?

No the EU rates are applicable on all EU networks.

The following call types are included under the EU rates:

  • Calls back to Ireland
  • Calls within roamed country or to any other country within the EU
  • Calls received
  • Calls to non EU destinations are NOT included and these calls will be charged the standard roaming costs in the country of your destination. Please select the country that you are intending to travel to on the www.Vodafone/Roaming for specific rates for calling outside the EU.

What's the difference between the new EU rates and RED Roaming?

With the new EU rates you can make calls anywhere within the EU for 19c ex. VAT per minute and receive calls for 5c ex. VAT per minute. An SMS sent from any EU country will cost 6c ex. VAT. Internet (data) pricing will be charged at 20c per MB.

With our RED Roaming daily offer you have access to all the calls and texts from your home plan and 100MB of data a day for the great daily price of €2.99 a day.

For example a customer on the €55 per month, RED Business plan (includes unlimited calls and texts and 250 international minutes) travels for a week’s holiday in Spain. During the holiday they:

  • Use their phone on 5 of the 7 days
  • Make 60 minutes of calls home to their family in Ireland
  • Make 25 minutes of calls to a friend in the UK
  • Receive 25 minutes of calls
  • Send 30 text messages
  • Use a total 200MB of data, reading the papers online and google maps

Total Roaming charges:

EU default pricing : €72.82

RED Roaming: €14.95

Red Roaming saving: €57.87

And on RED Roaming the customer could have used even more for the same price!!

What do I do if I want to change from the EU Rates to RED Roaming?

If you'd prefer to switch to RED Roaming then freetext "RED" to 50020.


Red Roaming changes May 2014

Changes to RED Roaming

Vodafone has made the following amendments to the terms and conditions of the RED Roaming add-on Service. These changes will be effective on the 30th of May 2014. You may opt in or out of the RED Roaming Service at any time without incurring any penalty. If you wish to opt out of the RED Roaming Service, you must text STOP RED to 50020, contact customer care or opt out online through My Vodafone. The changes are:

  1. Vodafone has extended the term of the RED Roaming service. The service was due to finish on 31 May 2014. However the service is now available indefinitely. Vodafone reserves the right to withdraw the service at any time.
  2. The calculation of the EU Regulated Data Roaming spend caps and notifications has changed. This will now be calculated as 33% of the highest possible RED Roaming daily rate, to a maximum of €2, (ex VAT) instead of as previously calculated at €1.08 ex VAT of each Roaming daily access fee.
  3. The list of eligible countries where we provide the RED Roaming service will be found at instead of in the terms and conditions.
  4. In order to avail of the RED Roaming service a customer must roam on the Vodafone Network or on a Vodafone approved Network.
  5. Customers who choose to purchase data roaming services from alternative roaming providers will be charged default EU pricing for any roaming calls or texts that they make on that operator’s network.
  6. The RED Roaming daily access fee rates will now be found at instead of in the terms and conditions.
  7. The charge for using any additional data will be found at instead of in the terms and conditions.
  8. Vodafone may modify the features of the RED Roaming Service in order to offer additional value to the customer. Such positive changes might include increasing your data allowances. You agree that such changes to the Service or package do not constitute modification in the conditions of the contract for that Service or package, and the Customer confirms that it does not require individual contract change notifications regarding any such modification.
  9. Customers can opt in or out of the RED Roaming add on service at any time online through MyVodafone, by contacting customer care or by texting STOP RED to 50020.

Laser card cessation February 2014

Laser card cessation - 28th February 2014

From midnight on Friday, 28 February 2014, Vodafone Ireland will no longer be able to accept Laser cards. Laser Card Services Ltd. will cease to operate and Laser cards have been replaced with Visa and MasterCard debit cards.

Customers using Laser cards for ongoing payments such as subscriptions, plans or recurring transactions will need to update their payments with an alternative payment method.

Laser cards are co-branded with Maestro. This function on the card will also cease to operate from the same date in February.


PAYG 'Top up by €100, get €20' offer March 2014

Notice Of Change To Vodafone PAYG ‘Top Up By €100, Get €20’ Offer

From 24th March 2014, customers can no longer avail of the promotional ‘Top Up By €100, Get €20’ top up offer. After this date, any top ups will no longer activate this offer. You will already have received a contract change notification confirming your right to withdraw from your contract.


Student Campus Offer changes February 2014

Changes to Student Campus Offer

From 17th February 2014 the following changes will take affect on our Student Campus Offer:

  1. The Offer is available for a maximum term of 4 years only. Vodafone reserves the right to remove the Offer at any time after 4 years from the day of commencement or if you are no longer a student e.g. you must hold a valid student ID for the 4 year term
  2. Opt in to the Offer means you will also be automatically opting in to receive End of Call third party marketing relating to various products and/or services. Receipt of such marketing will not create a contract between you and Vodafone for the provision of such third party products or services and Vodafone does not accept any liability in respect of such products or services
  3. The Offer is subject to Vodafone’s Fair Usage Policy. If your use is deemed excessive or unreasonable Vodafone may take the actions detailed in this paragraph. Vodafone has developed a threshold for the Service and the related Offers by reference to average customer profiles and estimated customer usage of the Service (particularly the estimated volume and length of free calls likely to be made by users or number of texts send) (“Threshold”). The Threshold is regularly reviewed against average customer usage and is currently set at 5,000 text messages and the free data allowance for this offer is 7.5GB with a €20 top up. Any usage over these amounts will be charged at standard rates on the Vodafone Advantage Plus Tariff

Vodafone Pay as you go Advantage Plus tariff January 2013

Changes to Vodafone Pay as you go Advantage Plus Tariff

From 15th January 2013 the following changes will take affect on our Advantage Plus Tariff:

  1. Calls to landlines and mobile networks in the republic of Ireland charged at 29c will be charged at 35c per minute and texts charged at 13c will be charged at 15c.
  2. Customers who are opted in to free Vodafone calls and texts and internet, or free any network texts and internet, and top up by €20 in one go will receive 150MB of free internet for 30 days.
  3. Customers who are opted in to free Vodafone calls and texts and internet, or free any network texts and internet, and top up by €25 in one go will receive 250MB of free internet for 30 days.
  4. Standard roaming and domestic call connection charges apply.

Directory enquiries charges for Vodafone At Home customers April 2013

Changes to directory enquiries charges for Vodafone at Home customers

From 1st April 2013 there will be an increase in charges for Vodafone at Home customers who call directory enquiries services.

National Directory Enquiries Charges from 1st April 2013 
 (cents per minute)
Current charges 
 (cents per minute)
  Set-up/min call charge Per minute Min call charge Peak Off peak Weekend
11811 125.00 150.00 80.31 80.31 80.31 80.31
11890 113.00 80.31 80.31 80.31 80.31 80.31
11850 288.00 150.00 80.31 80.31 80.31 80.31
11888 81.00 81.00 80.31 80.31 80.31 80.31
11860 288.00 162.00 161.63 161.63 161.63 161.63
11818 162.00 162.00 161.63 161.63 161.63 161.63

For more information free phone 1907.


Directory enquiries charges for Pay as you go customers April 2013

Changes to directory enquiries charges for pay as you go customers

From 2nd April 2013 the will be an increase in charges for pay as you go customers who call directory enquiries services.

National directory enquiries New connection cost & rate per minute Current connection cost & rate per minute Current connection cost & rate per minute
  All pay as you go customers Customers on Lifestyle price plan All other pay as you go customers
11850 €1.49 €0.94 €0.96
11811 €1.49 €0.94 €0.96
11827 €1.49 €0.94 €0.96
11888 €1.49 €0.94 €0.96
11890 €1.49 €0.94 €0.96

A connection fee of €1.49 applies. Thereafter calls are charged at €1.49 per minute, billed per second

National directory enquiries New connection cost & rate per minute

Current connection cost & rate per minute

Current connection cost & rate per minute
  All pay as you go customers Customers on Lifestyle price plan All other pay as you go customers
11866 €2.00 €1.28 €1.30
11818 €2.00 €1.35 €1.37
11860 €2.00 €1.25 minimum charge covering the first minute, €0.65 per minute for subsequent minutes €1.28 minimum charge covering the first minute, €0.66 per minute for subsequent minutes

A connection fee of €2.00 applies. Thereafter calls are charged at €2.00 per minute, billed per second


Vodafone free weekends offer change August 2013 

Notice of change to Vodafone free weekends offer

From 19th August 2013, your free weekend Vodafone to Vodafone add on will be moved to Advantage Plus with free Vodafone to Vodafone calls and texts when you top up by €20 every 30 days. If you wish to exercise your right to withdraw from this please contact Vodafone on 1747 within 30 days of this notice.


Vodafone 5c calls and free texts add-on October 2013

Notice of change to Vodafone 5c calls and free texts Add on

From 23rd October 2013, the 5c calls & free texts add on will no longer be available. Top-up after this date will no longer activate the offer. All calls and texts after this date will be charged according to Vodafone Lifestyle. Details of this price plan can be found here


Vodafone More To Say price plan changes November 2013

Notice of change to Vodafone More to Say price plan

From 21st November 2013, your current price plan ‘More to Say’ will no longer be available. After this date all calls and texts will be charged according to Vodafone Lifestyle rates. Details of this price plan can be found here. You will already have received a contract change notification confirming your right to withdraw from your contract.


Wireless Office Share Plus plans changes October 2012

Changes to Wireless Office Share Plus Plans

From 14th October 2012 the subscriber level fee on these plans will change to €10.94 ex VAT. The International text add on bundle will change to €15 ex VAT. The text bundles will also change, please see table below:


The text bundles will also change, see new rates:


Text add ons New bundle price Rate per text
400 shared text bundle €25 6c
600 shared text bundle €35 6c
800 shared text bundle €45 5c
1000 shared text bundle €55 5c
2000 shared text bundle €90 4c




Mobile internet roaming T&Cs changes October 2012

Change to Mobile Internet Roaming Terms and Conditions

When Mobile Internet roaming was introduced some customers could avail of the service free of charge. With the huge growth in data roaming and the associated growth in costs, we are no longer able to sustain free roaming for these customers and so from 22nd October 2012 our mobile internet roaming terms will changes as follows:

41. Services originated or received while outside your domestic (Republic of Ireland) coverage area are subject to roaming charges. Mobile internet data roaming charges automatically apply to all customers who access the internet on their phone while abroad, using the Live access point ( Vodafone reserves the right to make changes to access points without change to the terms of customer service.

For unbeatable value we recommend that you opt in to Vodafone Passport Mobile Internet. This gives you 50MB of data in Europe for just €2 a day. To opt in free text DATA to 50020. More details here.

If you do not opt in to Vodafone Passport Mobile Internet you will pay the default per MB price 86c per MB in Europe and €6.15 per MB in Rest of World. BlackBerry customers who data roam using the live apn will be charged as above. Data roaming charges for using the BlackBerry APN remain unchanged.

BlackBerry customers who data roam using the live apn will be charged as above. Data roaming charges for using the BlackBerry APN remain unchanged.

For details on our Data Roaming Spend Caps and Notifications see here (all prices include VAT)



International top-up offer change September 2012

Notice to Vodafone pay as you go customers: change to international top up offer

From 27th September 2012 the following changes will take effect on our international top up offer:

  • Customers on this offer who top up by €30 in one go from 27th September 2012 will receive 250MB of internet on your phone plus 100 free international minutes for 30 days. Customers will also receive free Vodafone calls & texts for 30 days.
  • The 100 international minutes can be used to call 93 destinations worldwide.


    See the list of countries


    • Albania
    • Algeria
    • Anguilla
    • Antigua and Barbuda
    • Argentina
    • Armenia
    • Australia
    • Austria
    • Bahamas
    • Bahrain
    • Bangladesh
    • Barbados
    • Belgium
    • Bermuda
    • Brazil
    • Bulgaria
    • Canada
    • Cayman Island
    • Chile
    • China
    • Croatia
    • Cyprus
    • Czech Rep
    • Denmark
    • Dominica
    • Dominican Republic
    • Egypt
    • Estonia
    • Finland
    • France
    • Georgia
    • Germany
    • Greece
    • Grenada
    • Hong Kong
    • Hungary
    • Iceland
    • India
    • Indonesia
    • Iran, Islamic Republic of
    • Iraq
    • Israel
    • Italy
    • Jamaica
    • Japan
    • Kuwait
    • Latvia
    • Lebanon
    • Lithuania
    • Luxembourg
    • Malaysia
    • Malta
    • Mexico
    • Moldova, Republic of
    • Montenegro
    • Montserrat
    • Netherlands
    • New Zealand
    • Norway
    • Pakistan
    • Palestinian Territory, Occupied
    • Peru
    • Philippines
    • Poland
    • Portugal
    • Puerto Rico
    • Romania
    • Russian Federation
    • Saint Kitts and Nevis
    • Saint Lucia
    • Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
    • Saudi Arabia
    • Serbia and Montenegro
    • Slovakia
    • Slovenia
    • South Africa
    • Spain
    • Sri Lanka
    • Sweden
    • Switzerland
    • Taiwan, Province of China
    • Thailand
    • Trinidad and Tobago
    • Turkey
    • Turks and Caicos Islands
    • Ukraine
    • United Kingdom
    • United States
    • Vietnam
    • Virgin Islands, U.S.
    • Singapore
    • South Korea
    • Northern Ireland Landlines



  • Customers on this offer who top up by €30 before 27th September 2012 will have an allocation of 180 free international minutes to use for 30 days
  • From 27th September 2012 the following countries can no longer be called using any allocation of free international minutes: 
     Zimbabwe, Azerbaijan, Liechtenstein, Morocco, Belarus, The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macao 
     Calls to these countries from this date will be charged at standard pay as you go rates



Out of bundle rates October 2012

Out of bundle rates

From the 8th of October 2012 we will be increasing the out of bundle rates by 5c per minute and 3c per text on the following legacy price plans:

Perfect Fit

  • Perfect Fit 30
  • Perfect Fit 100
  • Perfect Fit 200
  • Perfect Fit 400
  • Perfect Fit 600

Perfect Choice

  • Perfect Choice 50
  • Perfect Choice 100
  • Perfect Choice 200
  • Perfect Choice 400
  • Perfect Choice 600


  • Simply 100
  • Simply 400

Fraudulent email alert 

Fraudulent email alert

If you receive an email requesting you click a link to validate your personal Vodafone account details, please delete it. Vodafone never asks customers to enter login details or user access codes through email.


Vodafone PAYG international call and text rates July 2011

Notice to Vodafone pay as you go customers: change to international call and text rates

Great new international call rates

Vodafone is delighted to announce that pay as you go customers can now call the UK for just 10c per minute and ten other countries - including Australia - for just 15c per minute. These great new rates are available for calls made to landlines and mobiles, all day every day.

To avail of these rates, customers must text international to 50223

More information and terms & conditions can be found here.


See the full list of countries you can call at the new lower rate


UK 10c
Australia 15c
New Zealand 15c
France 15c
Spain 15c
Germany 15c
Italy 15c
Netherlands 15c
India 15c
Philippines 15c
South Africa 15c

Calls charged per minute. Excludes calls made when roaming. Calls to landlines in Northern Ireland are billed as per price plan for landline calls within Ireland. 
 These rates are promotional and are applicable until 31st July 2011.




Household Benefits Package Budget 2014 change

Notice of change to the Household Benefits Package following Budget 2014

As a result of this announcement, the DSFA Telephone Allowance (€9.50 per month per household) will be discontinued from 1st January 2014 for all recipients.

As a result, any customers who are currently in receipt of this allowance will no longer receive a contribution from the DSP towards their bill, and will in turn see an increase in their Vodafone at Home bill payment. The change to the allowance does not impact the terms and conditions of your Vodafone At Home service. For more information please see the Department of Social Protection website here.


Vodafone Home voice services changes

Notice of Change to Vodafone Home voice services

The notice below applies to Vodafone Home Fibre Broadband customers who are being contacted by Vodafone about a change in their product. We are moving your voice service to Vodafone Broadband Voice. You will keep the same number and can continue to make and receive calls as you do today, the only difference is that your home phone will now be plugged into your broadband modem rather than the phone point.

Please contact us on free phone 1800804533 if you have a service that uses your landline or another landline dependent device such as:

  • Monitored alarm or panic/assistance button/service (which is not GSM enabled)
  • Fax Line or dial up equipment (Visa Card Machine)
  • Any service that relies on the use of an analogue modem connection
  • 2 telephone numbers on your landline


Otherwise there is no need for you to take any further action, we will take care of everything and we will keep you updated throughout the process. To opt out of this change contact us on 1800804533, if we do not hear from you it will be deemed that you have accepted this change to your Vodafone Home product. For more information, please see our support FAQ's or contact our Customer Care Team on 1800804533. This change does not impact the terms and conditions of your Vodafone contract.

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