Our net zero 2040 ambition

By 2040, Vodafone will have eliminated Scope 3 emissions completely - bringing forward by ten years Vodafone’s original 2050 ambition to reach net zero across our full carbon footprint.

In a Special Report for the GSMA at Mobile World Congress 2022, Alex Froment-Curtil, Chief Commercial Officer, discusses the role that Vodafone’s network and technologies can play in addressing the challenges of society and our vision for the future.

A graphic with the text 'Purpose - We connect everybody to LIVE A BETTER TODAY and build a BETTER TOMORROW. 2025 TRANSFORMATION - Diversity & Equality, Energy and Environment, Youth skills and jobs' overlaid on a colorful background

Read our sustainable business report

Vodafone Group is committed to delivering positive change and integrating sustainability across the entire business. Our strategy is focused on sustainable growth to drive returns.

Vodafone Group Sustainable Business Report.

What is Vodafone Ireland's sustainable business strategy?

To work with our colleagues, customers and communities to deliver positive social, environmental and economic outcomes - especially in relation to Diversity and Equality, Energy and Environment, Youth Skills and Jobs, and ensuring we act responsibly and with integrity in everything we do.

Vodafone support for United Nations sustainable development goals

In 2015 the United Nations launched 17 goals to end poverty, fight inequality and injustice, and tackle climate change by 2030.

Vodafone is committed to leveraging its technology, networks and services to contribute to these global goals.

We believe Vodafone Ireland’s transformational goals can have the greatest impact on six of the UN Sustainable Development Goals through our networks, services, activities and the work of the Vodafone Ireland Foundation:

  • Quality education
  • Gender equality
  • Decent work and economic growth
  • Sustainable cities and communities
  • Climate action
  • Partnerships for the goals




Living Leaf

The Living Leaf icon was launched to bring together all of our communications that carry a sustainable purpose and green message. The Living Leaf idea and elements are designed to convey a sense of energy and dynamism.

For us, it is about making it easier for all our customers to make sustainable choices. Therefore, you will see our Living Leaf icon across all initiatives and activities that have a sustainability benefit.

Living leaf
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