100% of the electricity Vodafone use in Europe (Ireland) is matched with renewable energy certificates 

100% of the electricity Vodafone use in Europe (Ireland) is matched with renewable energy certificates

100% of the grid electricity that Vodafone uses in its European network is matched with renewable energy certificates (‘RECs’), which certify that power has been generated and added to the grid from a renewable source such as wind, solar or hydro.  In addition, we purchase a growing proportion of our electricity directly from renewable generators through Power Purchase Agreements (‘PPAs’). See more information.

Vodafone Ireland's Targets

  • Reduce GHG emissions by 40% by 2025
  • Aiming to achieve net zero carbon emissions by 2030
  • Drive transport, waste and energy initiatives in line with ISO14001 and ISO50001


In addition, Vodafone Ireland is the first network in Ireland to offer eSIMs. eSIMs are virtual SIM cards that provide the same service as a physical SIM card, but with the data stored on a dedicated chip in a phone rather than on a plastic SIM. This removes the need to manufacture and ship the associated plastic, thereby reducing carbon footprint.

Cutting our emissions and helping our customers cut theirs

At Vodafone, we believe that urgent and sustained action is required to address the climate emergency. Business success should not come at a cost to the environment, and we are committed to ensuring the greening of all of our activities. This means not only tackling issues like our carbon footprint and e-waste but also giving customers the option to purchase more sustainable products.

We have launched a number of green initiatives to empower our customers to go green including:

TRADE IN: There is also a device trade-in service available within our retail stores where customers can bring their old and unused devices in exchange for a reduced price on their new devices. By trading in a device, customers are providing that device with a new lease of life because it can then be offered to other customers elsewhere in Ireland. This can reduce the need to produce more devices. If the device is beyond economic repair, we will ensure that is recycled to WEEE standards.

ECO RATING: We are the first operator in Ireland to launch the new ECO-rating service. This is a new labelling scheme that helps customers identify and compare the most sustainable mobile phones and encourage suppliers to reduce the environmental impact of their devices. Eco Rating evaluates the impact smartphones and feature phones make on our environment throughout the entire lifecycle of the device.

IOT: Through our Internet of Things (IoT), we are helping customers reduce their emissions in different ways. In terms of logistics and fleet management, IoT has the ability to identify optimal delivery routes to save time and improve efficiency. This helps to increase productivity and decrease fuel consumption resulting in a reduction in carbon footprint. Also, Smart Metering has become more available, meaning meters can be managed remotely reducing the need to physically send people to record the latest information. This is again leading to considerable reductions in carbon footprint.

Reducing waste and helping to build a circular economy

We have pledged to reuse, resell or recycle 100% of the company’s network waste by 2025. Resource efficiency and waste disposal management programmes have been implemented to minimise the environmental impact of network waste and redundant IT equipment. Many adults across Ireland have multiple devices they no longer use where we encourage people to consider using our Fix and Go device repair service or our Trade In offer. This is all part of driving forward with our circular economy ambition and striving to refurbish and reuse devices where possible.

Making sure we are constantly improving and meeting high standards

Vodafone Ireland is certified with ISO14001 and ISO50001 accreditations, demonstrating our commitment to monitor our environmental performance. This ensures our network is run as sustainably as possible.

ISO14001 is an environmental management standard that shows how we manage our impact on the environment. Maintaining this certification keeps a sharp focus on how and where we generate waste and energy.

Our energy management systems are certified to ISO50001 standard. This ensures that our energy usage is under constant review and continually improving, helping us to deliver a network that is reliable and efficient.

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